short log of UT afternoon trace on remote Perseus at Alberta-CAN
and far west location in Ireland EU

15700even CUB  CRI RadioCuba relay of Chinese from Quivican San Felipe
         TITAN site, S=8 at 14.25 & 15.45 UT.

15140even CUB  RHC Spanish from Bauta site at 16.13 UT S=7-8 Febr 7
         \\ 11760even CUB  RHC Bauta site, S=9+20 dB at 16.17 UT.

13740even CUB  RHC Bauta in Sp, S=9 -73dBm signal, at 14.31 UT.
no spurious signals noted so far.
15230even CUB  RHC Quivican TITAN site, S=6 only at 15.47 UT

High pitch signal in 13685 - 13689 site noted in Massachusetts
and Alberta_CAN at 15.57 UT
16 x String peaks noted on 13685.000 .116 .441 .767 kHz
13686.093 .419 .844 kHz
13687.069 .395 .720 kHz
13688.046 .372 .697 kHz
13689.022 .348 ... 13689.674 kHz

13710.015 ARS  MOCI Riyadh-ARS in AR, HQ prayer program at 1603 UT.
         S=6 in Edmonton, Alberta-CAN.
13844.990 odd fq  USA  BS TOM roarer on WWCR ? at 1605. UT on Febr 7
         S=9+15dB signal.
13820even USA  Radio Marti Sp, AGM United States Agency for
         Global Media (USAGM) S=8-9 flutter signal, sidelobe into
         Edmonton Alberta-CAN at 16.08 UT on Febr 7.
13579.968 SWZ  TWR Africa via E'swatini Swaziland Manzini relay,
         S=7 signal in CAN, 16.10 UT.
11610even GB   VoA Somali of AGM United States Agency for
         Global Media (USAGM) via ENC-Encompass Digital Media Services
site at Woofferton England, at 16.16 UT S=9+5dB backlobe signal into Cape Canaveral FL remote SDR rx unit.
11815.006 TUR  Voice of Turkey in Turkish from Emirler site at 14-17 UT
         scheduled, S=8-9 at 16.24 UT.
12030even ESP  Surprisingly early at 16.26 UT, REE Madrid from Noblejas
         in Spanish, S=9+10dB in Cape Canaveral-FL,
         S=9+25dB in western coast of Ireland EU remote SDR rx.
and       \\
11685even ESP  Also REE Madrid from Noblejas in Spanish,
         even S=9+25dB powerful noted in Ireland EU site. 16.28 UT.
12160even USA  WWCR2nd px in English via WWCR Nashville site, talk
         on politics, Pres Trump mentioned, at 16.30 UT S=9+5dB.
But suffered by anoying 224 Hertz BUZZ tone on upper sideband strange UTE? 12160.224 kHz channel.
11529.998 MRA  VoA Korean sce of AGM United States Agency for
         Global Media (USAGM) via Tinian site, S=9 signal via Korea,
         northern Siberia into Ireland EU. \\
11550.040 MRA  same VoA Korean program via Saipan MRA relay site,
         S=8 in Ireland EU remote Perseus rx unit. 16.38 UT Febr 7.
11560even IND  AIR Russian powerhouse from Bangalore 500 kW unit
         S=9+30dB at 16.42 UT on Febr 7.     10 kHz wideband audio,
         excellent signal quality, for usual awful AIR signals.

Nothing heard today in 16-18 UT slot from Abuja Voice of Nigeria,
empty channels 7255v, 11770v, and nor on 15120DRM kHz.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Febr 7)

----- Original Message ----- From: "Glenn Hauser via Hard-Core-DX"
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2020 3:37 AM
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs February 6-7, 2020

** CUBA. 15700, Feb 6 at 1512, CRI Plus relay is VP only S5-S8 and
JBM; normally much stronger than RHC on band, but now much weaker, vs
15140 S9-S7, but still distorted; while 15230 is S3-S5 with good
modulation. Something`s always wrong at RadioCuba.

15140, later at 1837 Feb 6, this RHC is off, but 11760 still on. 15140
still off at 1917. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** NIGERIA. 11769.9, Feb 6 at 1835, always off-frequency VON is poor
with het, seems like English but not really readable; while
15115-15120-15125 DRM noise is louder and maybe would be listenable
with same broadcast (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
This report dispatched at 0237 UT February 7
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