Interesting.  A couple times this past week, I have tuned one kHz below 4940 in 
SSB mode to hear the heterodyne, and thought it had a bit of a warble, like 
there were two stations there.

-- Art Delibert, N. Bethesda, MD

From: Hard-Core-DX <> on behalf of Karel 
Honzík <>
Sent: Sunday, September 13, 2020 7:19 AM
To: Manuel Méndez <>
Cc: <>
Subject: Re: [HCDX] New Colombian 4940

Manuel, thanks for your info. Last night I heard two stations on 4940kHz
between 2330-0045UTC (Sep12/13). Both with very weak signals here in the
middle of Europe. One of them had an endless religious talk by a man in
Spanish, I supposed it was Radio San Antonio from Peru (but not closing at
2400 as listed). The second station was mostly playing music, no ann heard.
A frequency difference between the stations was about 20Hz, the talking
station was the higher one. I gave it up at 0045, signals were getting
weaker and weaker as it usually happens in this area after some peak
conditions between ...2300-2400... (to South America).


-----Původní zpráva-----
From: Manuel Méndez
Sent: Sunday, September 13, 2020 8:37 AM
Subject: [HCDX] New Colombian 4940

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

Log in Reinante ,Tecsun S-8800, cable antenna, 8 meters and via SDR Kiwi
remote receiver in Bonaire.

COLOMBIA (presumed), 4940, new station, 0450-0635, 13-09, Spanish,
religious comments, Colombian song, more religious comments. The same
formant and same announcers as La Voz de tu Conciencia or Alcaravan
Radio, it seems that relaying  its programs, 1 hour 25 minutes non stop
Martin Stendal sermon, film advertisement "Ahora, la película La Montaña
disponible totalmente gratis, lamontañ", "El Caballo y su
Muchacho".  Curiously, at 0504 UTC they announced the time "La 1 y 4
minutos", when in Colombia it was 0 hours 4 minutes. No identification
heard. Very weak here in Reinante, 15321, fair to good via SDR Kiwi
remote receiver in Bonaire.
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