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Today's Topics:

   1. more ENC Encompass Digital Media Services, replacing former
      Babcock now at Al Dhabbiya bcast relay site (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   2. Monitoring 26-29 (Zacharias Liangas)
   3. Monitoring 4925kHz (L?cio Bobrowiec)
   4. New frequencies of Voice of Tibet, November 29: (Ivo Observer)
   5. Fw:  more ENC Encompass Digital Media Services, replacing
      former Babcock now at Al Dhabbiya bcast relay site +
      (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   6. Re: [WOR] Fw: [odxa] Mark Coady, Ont., November 28th Loggings
      (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   7. Glenn Hauser logs November 29, 2020 (Glenn Hauser)
   8. Re: Manutenzione Radio Cina Internazionale - anual
      maintenance break of RTC Technicians at Jinhua SW #831 center
      (Wolfgang Bueschel)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 29 Nov 2020 07:48:02 +0100
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "hcdx" <>,     "wor" <>
Subject: [HCDX] more ENC Encompass Digital Media Services, replacing
        former Babcock now at Al Dhabbiya bcast relay site
Message-ID: <D5C1818A6D4F4C31984E5ADAAB8F5E48@HNPC1>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

re BBC 5995.0096 kHz odd fq via Al-Dhabbiya at 0306 UT...

 5940 0230 0300 40E          250 45  -15 146 1234567 Prs IBR ENC SS31
 5940.096 kHz

 7300 0300 0330 40E,41NW     250 45  -15 146 1234567 Pus BBC ENC PASHA
 7299.995 kHz

 9410 0300 0330 40E,41NW     250 60    0 146 1234567 Pus BBC ENC PASHA
 9410even exact

 5995 0300 0400 47E,48NW     250 255  15 146 1234567 Ara BBC ENC ARABA_N
 5995.096 kHz

 7245 0330 0345 48W          250 225 -15 146 12      Amh TWR ENC
 7245even kHz
 7245 0330 0345 48W          250 225 -15 146 3       Orm TWR ENC
 7245 0330 0345 48W          250 225 -15 146 5       Sid TWR ENC

11875 0330 0400 48           250 215   0 146 1234567 Som AGM AGM
11874.989 kHz

13790 0400 0430 48           250 225 -15 146 1234567 Som BBC ENC SOMLA
13790even exact

 9410 0430 0530 40           250 45  -15 146 1234567 Fas BBC ENC FARSA
 9409.989 kHz

12015 0500 0600 47E,48NW     250 255  15 146 1234567 Ara BBC ENC ARABA_N
12015.115 kHz

13860 0500 0600 48SW,53NW    250 225 -15 146 1234567 Eng BBC ENC ENAFE_E
13859.990 kHz

13790 0500 0600 48SW,53NW    250 225   0 206 7       Kin BBC ENC KRWNA
13790 0529 0600 48SW,53NW    250 225   0 206 1       Kin BBC ENC KRWNA
13790even exact

15255 0600 0700 42,43W       250 75   15 146 1234567 Bod AGM AGM
15254.988 kHz
2020-11-29 06:03:16 capture: AM 15255 (DHA) RFA TIBE
not US ADM RFA Tibetan language sce via Saipan MRA relay from Agignan 

17830 0629 0700 46SE         250 260   0 218 1234567 Hau BBC ENC HAUSA
17830.131 kHz

17830 0700 0729 47S,52N,52SE 250 245 -15 218 1234567 Fra BBC ENC FRENA_C
[suffer by CNR1 DRM mode Urumqi transmission signal 01-08 UT,
also strong backlobe in Europe ]

73 wb  df5sx

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" Sent: Friday, November 27, 2020 9:06 PM
Subject: Re: [HCDX] [WOR] BBC vs R. One/ZNBC1 (Zambia)

>> ENC Encompass Digital Media Services, replacing former Babcock
>> now at Al Dhabbiya bcast relay site:
> 9580 1515 1545 41N          250 60    0 146 1234567 Urd NHK ENC
> 9580even NHK Radio Japan Urdu sce at 15.35 UT Nov 27, S=9+25dB or -47dBm
> signal in South Asia, on remote Perseus server at Delhi India.
> 12065 1600 1700 52SE,53SW,57N250 215   0 216 1234567 Eng BBC ENC ENAFE_S
> even
> 9820 1630 1700 48SW,53NW    250 225 -15 146 23456   Kin BBC ENC KRWNA
> even
> 11850 1630 1700 47E,48W      250 235   0 146 23456   Eng AGM AGM
> 11850.110 kHz 16.53 UT
> 9540 1700 1730 48W          250 225 -15 146 1234567 Orm IBR ENC FE06
> 9540.105 kHz
> 9585 1700 1900 47E,48NW     250 255  15 146 1234567 Ara BBC ENC ARABA_N
> even
> 12095 1730 1750 48           250 230 -30 218 23456   Amh BBC ENC AMHAR
> even
> 6180 1730 1800 48E,48SW     250 215   0 206 1234567 Som IBR ENC FE02
> even
> 9540 1730 1800 48W          250 225 -15 146 1234567 Tir IBR ENC FE05
> 9540.105 kHz
> 12095 1750 1810 48           250 230 -30 218 23456   Orm BBC ENC OROMO
> even
> 12040 1800 1900 48           250 235   0 218 1234567 Amh AGM AGM
> 12040.111 kHz
> 9410 1800 2000 48SW,53NW    250 225 -15 146 1234567 Eng BBC ENC ENAFE_E
> even
> 12095 1810 1830 48           250 230 -30 218 23456   Tir BBC ENC TGRYA
> even
> 12040 1900 1930 48           250 235   0 218 23456   Tir AGM AGM
> 12040.111 kHz
> 6150 1900 2000 47E,48NW     250 255  15 146 1234567 Ara BBC ENC ARABA_N
> even
> 73 wb  df5sx
> 15420 1100 1130 48           250 225 -15 146 1234567 Som BBC ENC SOMLA
> 17830 1115 1145 54           250 105   0 218 1234567 Ind NHK NHK
> 17830 1115 1145 51W,54       250 105  15 218 1234567 Ind NHK ENC
> 17745 1130 1500 48           250 225   0 206 7       Som BBC ENC SOMLA
> 15420 1130 1700 48           250 225 -15 146 7       Som BBC ENC SOMLA
> 15215 1200 1230 41NE         250 70  -15 146 123     Bod FEC ENC BS26
> 17845 1200 1300 48E,48SW     250 225 -15 146 1234567 Som ENC ENC
> 15640 1230 1330 40E,41NW     250 45  -15 146 1234567 Prs AGM AGM
> 17680 1300 1315 48W          250 230 -30 218 1567    Aar TWR ENC
> 13590 1300 1400 40E,41NW     250 45  -15 146 1234567 Pst AGM AGM
> 11925 1315 1345 54           250 105   0 218 1234567 Ind NHK NHK
> 11925 1315 1345 51W,54       250 105  15 218 1234567 Ind NHK ENC
> 11925 1400 1430 49,50,54     250 90    0 218 1234567 Eng NHK NHK
> 11925 1400 1430 49,50,54     250 90    0 218 1234567 Eng NHK ENC
> 21630 1400 1430 46SE         250 260   0 218 23456   Hau BBC ENC HAUSA
> 17745 1400 1500 48           250 225 -15 146 1234567 Som BBC ENC SOMLA
> 9580 1515 1545 41N          250 60    0 146 1234567 Urd NHK ENC
> 9580 1515 1545 41NW         250 60    0 146 1234567 Urd NHK NHK
> 11655 1600 1630 48NW         250 230 -30 218 1234567 Aar IBR ENC FE07
> 12065 1600 1700 52SE,53SW,57N250 215   0 216 1234567 Eng BBC ENC ENAFE_S
> 9820 1630 1700 48SW,53NW    250 225 -15 146 23456   Kin BBC ENC KRWNA
> 11850 1630 1700 47E,48W      250 235   0 146 23456   Eng AGM AGM
> 9540 1700 1730 48W          250 225 -15 146 1234567 Orm IBR ENC FE06
> 9585 1700 1900 47E,48NW     250 255  15 146 1234567 Ara BBC ENC ARABA_N
> 9465 1700 2000 48           250 225   0 206 7       Som BBC ENC SOMLA
> 12095 1730 1750 48           250 230 -30 218 23456   Amh BBC ENC AMHAR
> 6180 1730 1800 48E,48SW     250 215   0 206 1234567 Som IBR ENC FE02
> 9540 1730 1800 48W          250 225 -15 146 1234567 Tir IBR ENC FE05
> 12095 1750 1810 48           250 230 -30 218 23456   Orm BBC ENC OROMO
> 6035 1800 1830 48           250 225   0 216 17      Tir FEC ENC Tigriny
> 12040 1800 1900 48           250 235   0 218 1234567 Amh AGM AGM
> 9410 1800 2000 48SW,53NW    250 225 -15 146 1234567 Eng BBC ENC ENAFE_E
> 12095 1810 1830 48           250 230 -30 218 23456   Tir BBC ENC TGRYA
> 12040 1900 1930 48           250 235   0 218 23456   Tir AGM AGM
> 6150 1900 2000 47E,48NW     250 255  15 146 1234567 Ara BBC ENC ARABA_N
> (Al Dhabbiya B-20 schedule, of ENC Encompass Digital Media Services,
> replacing former Babcock, 2020-Nov-25)
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
> Sent: Friday, November 27, 2020 11:37 AM
> Subject: Re: [WOR] BBC vs R. One/ZNBC1 (Zambia)
>> Ron,
>> o n e  of  f o u r   units at
>> ENC Encompass Digital Media Services, replacing former Babcock
>> now at Al Dhabbiya is always odd frequency on upper side flank.
>> 73 wolfie  df5sx
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Ron Howard" <>
>> Sent: Friday, November 27, 2020 5:46 AM
>> Subject: [WOR] BBC vs R. One/ZNBC1 (Zambia)
>> UNITED ARAB EMIRATES. 5995.07 (variable?), BBC via Al-Dhabbiya, at 0306,
>> Nov 27. In Arabic; killing any chance of decent reception of Zambia (R.
>> One/ZNBC1), which had been almost fair before 0300; BBC scheduled is
>> 03-04; first time I have noted this mixing mess. Glenn just mentioned
>> this off frequency (5995.096) BBC station in WOR 2062.
>> Speaking just for myself, I would much rather hear R. One/ZNBC1 in the
>> clear, without the BBC strong QRM!
>> Ron
>> California


Message: 2
Date: Sun, 29 Nov 2020 10:58:58 +0000 (UTC)
From: Zacharias Liangas <>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: [HCDX] Monitoring 26-29
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

 26-29/11 DX Pleaser support just once my web page .
#DX #shortwave? #MW #broadcasting #SW
Please don't? forget subscribing visiting and linking? my page!

Zacharias LiangasAirspyHF+Discovery ? with?SDRConsole & 2x16 m antena
Icom? R75 /PL380 /? De1103? radios (all pages)


Message: 3
Date: Sun, 29 Nov 2020 13:43:28 +0000 (UTC)
From: L?cio Bobrowiec <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [HCDX] Monitoring 4925kHz
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

7255kHz, R. Voice of Nigeria, Nigeria, Abuja Luqbe; 27/11, 0600 ? 0603 tribal 
music, male in hausa (as Aoki lists) on music, outside talks, return stusdio 
male. Good, clear, some het (LOB).

4950kHz, R. Nacional de Angola, Angola, Mulenvos; 27/11, 2336 ? 2341 male in 
portugueese announcements ?muitos parab?ns muitas felicita??es, muita 
sa?de...Radio Nacional de Angola...m?sica dos anos 80 e 90 (80?s and 90?s music 
selections program), ?ltima edi??o do m?s?, music. Fair signal level, some fade 

4925kHz, Unid. (much probably R. Educa??o Rural, Brasil Tef?, AM) 26/11, 0000 ? 
0052 relaying R. Bandeirantes de S?o Paulo, wich was covering a footbal soccer 
match (Corinthians X Coritiba). Poor, best signal at 0045; around 0052 abrupt 
sign off (LOB).

4925kHz, Unid. (much probably R. Educa??o Rural, Brasil Tef?, AM) 28/11, 2340 ? 
2350 music, male talks. Very poor, slight improvement over time (LOB).

4925kHz, Unid. (much probably R. Educa??o Rural, Brasil Tef?, AM) 29/11, 0034 ? 
0042 female talks, short music, male talks, slow pop music. Very poor, some 
improvement over listening (LOB).

4925kHz, Unid. (much probably R. Educa??o Rural, Brasil Tef?, AM) 29/11, 0059 ? 
0104 female talks, music. Trying to catch an ToH Id but deteriorated 
significantly (LOB).

It is worth mentioning that some het was heard at a certain time that I did not 
register on 4925kHz listenings (LOB).

Tecsun PL310et?
Wire 14m, dipole 18m?
Embu SP Brasil

Enviado do Yahoo Mail no Android


Message: 4
Date: Sun, 29 Nov 2020 13:47:32 +0000
From: Ivo Observer <>
Subject: [HCDX] New frequencies of Voice of Tibet, November 29:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

*TAJIKISTAN(non)   New frequencies of Voice of Tibet, November 29:*
1300-1305 on  9864 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan unchanged
1305-1310 NF  9876 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex  9886
1310-1335 NF  9894 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex  9899
1330-1335 on  9864 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan unchanged
1335-1340 on  9876 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan unchanged
1335-1400 on  9814 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan unchanged
1340-1400 NF  9894 DB  100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex  9864


73! Ivo Ivanov

More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to

QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.

QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire



Message: 5
Date: Sun, 29 Nov 2020 15:47:04 +0100
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "hcdx" <>,     "wor" <>
Subject: [HCDX] Fw:  more ENC Encompass Digital Media Services,
        replacing former Babcock now at Al Dhabbiya bcast relay site +
Message-ID: <06CD832A35D84BDBB9E84D0C72C03965@HNPC1>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel df5sx" 
Sent: Sunday, November 29, 2020 
Subject: [HCDX] more ENC Encompass Digital Media Services, 
replacing former Babcock now at Al Dhabbiya bcast relay site

15420 1100 1130 48           250 225 -15 146 1234567 Som BBC ENC SOMLA
15419.992 kHz

17830 1115 1145 51W,54       250 105  15 218 1234567 Ind NHK ENC 
17830.131 kHz  NHK Indonesian.

17745 1130 1500 48           250 225   0 206 7       Som BBC ENC SOMLA
only Sats

15420 1130 1700 48           250 225 -15 146 7       Som BBC ENC SOMLA
15419.992 kHz

15215 1200 1230 41NE         250 70  -15 146 123     Bod FEC ENC BS26
15214.991 kHz  FEBC Tibetan.

17845 1200 1300 48E,48SW     250 225 -15 146 1234567 Som ENC ENC
17845.129 kHz  IRIN, R Ergo, Somali.

15640 1230 1330 40E,41NW     250 45  -15 146 1234567 Prs AGM AGM
15639.991 kHz  US AGM R Azadi Afghan Radio RFA Dari.

17680 1300 1315 48W          250 230 -30 218 1567    Aar TWR ENC
17679.983 kHz  TWR Afar language.

13590 1300 1400 40E,41NW     250 45  -15 146 1234567 Pst AGM AGM
13589.990 kHz  US AGM VoA Deewa, Pashto.

11925 1315 1345 51W,54       250 105  15 218 1234567 Ind NHK ENC 
11925.109 kHz, NHK R Japan Indonesian,
      110 Hertz BUZZ due of co-channel CNR1 Lingshi operation.

11925 1400 1430 49,50,54     250 90    0 218 1234567 Eng NHK ENC

 1539 1400 0200 Urdu, ? service ?
 1539.003 kHz at 13.55 UT {AsiaNet Radio?, in Doha Qatar remotedly heard}

21630 1400 1430 46SE         250 260   0 218 23456   Hau BBC ENC HAUSA
only Mon-Fri operation.

17745 1400 1500 48           250 225 -15 146 1234567 Som BBC ENC SOMLA
17744.981 kHz

73 wb  df5sx

- - -

re BBC 5995.0096 kHz odd fq via Al-Dhabbiya at 0306 UT...

 5940 0230 0300 40E          250 45  -15 146 1234567 Prs IBR ENC SS31
 5940.096 kHz

 7300 0300 0330 40E,41NW     250 45  -15 146 1234567 Pus BBC ENC PASHA
 7299.995 kHz

 9410 0300 0330 40E,41NW     250 60    0 146 1234567 Pus BBC ENC PASHA
 9410even exact

 5995 0300 0400 47E,48NW     250 255  15 146 1234567 Ara BBC ENC ARABA_N
 5995.096 kHz

 7245 0330 0345 48W          250 225 -15 146 12      Amh TWR ENC
 7245even kHz
 7245 0330 0345 48W          250 225 -15 146 3       Orm TWR ENC
 7245 0330 0345 48W          250 225 -15 146 5       Sid TWR ENC

11875 0330 0400 48           250 215   0 146 1234567 Som AGM AGM
11874.989 kHz

13790 0400 0430 48           250 225 -15 146 1234567 Som BBC ENC SOMLA
13790even exact

 9410 0430 0530 40           250 45  -15 146 1234567 Fas BBC ENC FARSA
 9409.989 kHz

12015 0500 0600 47E,48NW     250 255  15 146 1234567 Ara BBC ENC ARABA_N
12015.115 kHz

13860 0500 0600 48SW,53NW    250 225 -15 146 1234567 Eng BBC ENC ENAFE_E
13859.990 kHz

13790 0500 0600 48SW,53NW    250 225   0 206 7       Kin BBC ENC KRWNA
13790 0529 0600 48SW,53NW    250 225   0 206 1       Kin BBC ENC KRWNA
13790even exact

15255 0600 0700 42,43W       250 75   15 146 1234567 Bod AGM AGM
15254.988 kHz
2020-11-29 06:03:16 capture: AM 15255 (DHA) RFA TIBE
not US ADM RFA Tibetan language sce via Saipan MRA relay from Agignan 

17830 0629 0700 46SE         250 260   0 218 1234567 Hau BBC ENC HAUSA
17830.131 kHz

17830 0700 0729 47S,52N,52SE 250 245 -15 218 1234567 Fra BBC ENC FRENA_C
[suffer by CNR1 DRM mode Urumqi transmission signal 01-08 UT,
also strong backlobe in Europe ]

73 wb  df5sx

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" Sent: Friday, November 27, 2020 9:06 PM
Subject: Re: [HCDX] [WOR] BBC vs R. One/ZNBC1 (Zambia)

>> ENC Encompass Digital Media Services, replacing former Babcock
>> now at Al Dhabbiya bcast relay site:
> 9580 1515 1545 41N          250 60    0 146 1234567 Urd NHK ENC
> 9580even NHK Radio Japan Urdu sce at 15.35 UT Nov 27, S=9+25dB or -47dBm
> signal in South Asia, on remote Perseus server at Delhi India.
> 12065 1600 1700 52SE,53SW,57N250 215   0 216 1234567 Eng BBC ENC ENAFE_S
> even
> 9820 1630 1700 48SW,53NW    250 225 -15 146 23456   Kin BBC ENC KRWNA
> even
> 11850 1630 1700 47E,48W      250 235   0 146 23456   Eng AGM AGM
> 11850.110 kHz 16.53 UT English/Sudanese mix
> 9540 1700 1730 48W          250 225 -15 146 1234567 Orm IBR ENC FE06
> 9540.105 kHz
> 9585 1700 1900 47E,48NW     250 255  15 146 1234567 Ara BBC ENC ARABA_N
> even
> 12095 1730 1750 48           250 230 -30 218 23456   Amh BBC ENC AMHAR
> even
> 6180 1730 1800 48E,48SW     250 215   0 206 1234567 Som IBR ENC FE02
> even
> 9540 1730 1800 48W          250 225 -15 146 1234567 Tir IBR ENC FE05
> 9540.105 kHz
> 12095 1750 1810 48           250 230 -30 218 23456   Orm BBC ENC OROMO
> even
> 12040 1800 1900 48           250 235   0 218 1234567 Amh AGM AGM
> 12040.111 kHz
> 9410 1800 2000 48SW,53NW    250 225 -15 146 1234567 Eng BBC ENC ENAFE_E
> even
> 12095 1810 1830 48           250 230 -30 218 23456   Tir BBC ENC TGRYA
> even
> 12040 1900 1930 48           250 235   0 218 23456   Tir AGM AGM
> 12040.111 kHz
> 6150 1900 2000 47E,48NW     250 255  15 146 1234567 Ara BBC ENC ARABA_N
> even
> 73 wb  df5sx
> 9580 1515 1545 41N          250 60    0 146 1234567 Urd NHK ENC
> 9580 1515 1545 41NW         250 60    0 146 1234567 Urd NHK NHK
> 11655 1600 1630 48NW         250 230 -30 218 1234567 Aar IBR ENC FE07
> 12065 1600 1700 52SE,53SW,57N250 215   0 216 1234567 Eng BBC ENC ENAFE_S
> 9820 1630 1700 48SW,53NW    250 225 -15 146 23456   Kin BBC ENC KRWNA
> 11850 1630 1700 47E,48W      250 235   0 146 23456   Eng AGM AGM
> 9540 1700 1730 48W          250 225 -15 146 1234567 Orm IBR ENC FE06
> 9585 1700 1900 47E,48NW     250 255  15 146 1234567 Ara BBC ENC ARABA_N
> 9465 1700 2000 48           250 225   0 206 7       Som BBC ENC SOMLA
> 12095 1730 1750 48           250 230 -30 218 23456   Amh BBC ENC AMHAR
> 6180 1730 1800 48E,48SW     250 215   0 206 1234567 Som IBR ENC FE02
> 9540 1730 1800 48W          250 225 -15 146 1234567 Tir IBR ENC FE05
> 12095 1750 1810 48           250 230 -30 218 23456   Orm BBC ENC OROMO
> 6035 1800 1830 48           250 225   0 216 17      Tir FEC ENC Tigriny
> 12040 1800 1900 48           250 235   0 218 1234567 Amh AGM AGM
> 9410 1800 2000 48SW,53NW    250 225 -15 146 1234567 Eng BBC ENC ENAFE_E
> 12095 1810 1830 48           250 230 -30 218 23456   Tir BBC ENC TGRYA
> 12040 1900 1930 48           250 235   0 218 23456   Tir AGM AGM
> 6150 1900 2000 47E,48NW     250 255  15 146 1234567 Ara BBC ENC ARABA_N
> (Al Dhabbiya B-20 schedule, of ENC Encompass Digital Media Services,
> replacing former Babcock, 2020-Nov-25)
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
> Sent: Friday, November 27, 2020 11:37 AM
> Subject: Re: [WOR] BBC vs R. One/ZNBC1 (Zambia)
>> Ron,
>> o n e  of  f o u r   units at
>> ENC Encompass Digital Media Services, replacing former Babcock
>> now at Al Dhabbiya is always odd frequency on upper side flank.
>> 73 wolfie  df5sx
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Ron Howard" <>
>> Sent: Friday, November 27, 2020 5:46 AM
>> Subject: [WOR] BBC vs R. One/ZNBC1 (Zambia)
>> UNITED ARAB EMIRATES. 5995.07 (variable?), BBC via Al-Dhabbiya, at 0306,
>> Nov 27. In Arabic; killing any chance of decent reception of Zambia (R.
>> One/ZNBC1), which had been almost fair before 0300; BBC scheduled is
>> 03-04; first time I have noted this mixing mess. Glenn just mentioned
>> this off frequency (5995.096) BBC station in WOR 2062.
>> Speaking just for myself, I would much rather hear R. One/ZNBC1 in the
>> clear, without the BBC strong QRM!
>> Ron
>> California


Message: 6
Date: Sun, 29 Nov 2020 17:39:49 +0100
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "hcdx" <>,     "wor" <>
Subject: Re: [HCDX] [WOR] Fw: [odxa] Mark Coady, Ont., November 28th
Message-ID: <F7F508CF9B294750B8DEA47E14D54BFA@HNPC1>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="UTF-8";

Old ORTM Bamako Kati site of the French colonial empire era.
1952: Founding of La Soci?t? de Radiodiffusion de la France d'Outre Mer
(SORAFOM) for the French colonies.

12 44 37 N  08 03 11 W
some 13 kilometers no-we of Bamako capital

CRI started renting 50 kW only location here in June 1999,
CRI 17880 kHz reported by Noel R. Green then

- - -

RTC China built a separate  n e w  relay site at Bamako Mali Koulouba
from 2005 year onwards - 2007 year, contain three 100 kW shortwave units,
some 7 kilometres south-eastwards on the highway at
12 41 13.03 N  08 01 31.72 W,
some 6 kilometers no-we of Bamako capital

Bamako built with latest 2002 - 2005 tx and twin-mast design of BBEF Beijing
firm, like similar at Cerrik Albania, Kashgar, Urumqi, Dong Fang island and
other RTC China bcast centers.

And refurbished also the local RTVM Bamako Kati site finnished
on 26 March 2009, new even frequency signals of RTVM Mali
reported in DXcircles worldwide.

For political reasons - or islamist matter in Mali ?,
 however, there has been an interruption
of the lease and broadcast center access by RTC / CRI Beijing
in the current decade.

So seemingly there was a 15 years contract between Mali and China govt,
came into effect between August 2003 and last {probably} til 2018,
when CRI forced to stopp their Africa/NE broadcast relay service there at
Bamako Mali,  ....  and DXers told that the world last year.

The four frequency management ladies of RTC requested the full program of
Bamako Chinese Africa relay site schedule some 8 weeks ago on HFCC meeting
on 21 to 25 January 2019 in Tunisia ...

73 wb

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "hungaroboy" <>
Sent: Sunday, November 29, 2020 1:48 PM
Subject: Re: [WOR] Fw: [odxa] Mark Coady, Ont., November 28th Loggings

"9635 MALI RTV du Mali at 0833 in French with a selection of lively Afropops
and African hi-life vocals to 0858 and a man with ID and a slogan and more
lively vocals to 0900 and a woman with ID then a man and woman with slogans
then news - Good with slight fading Nov 28 Coady-ON - This one uses the same
Chinese installed and maintained transmitter site that the CRI relay station
uses although, officially, RTV du Mali owns it and leases air time to CRI.
It's too bad that other countries don't have this kind of arrangement like
Botswana and Sao Tome and Madagascar. Too bad the Chinese could not have
kept the Meyerton, South Africa transmitter site going but sugar daddies are
hard to find."

I think the ORTM (5995 and 9635 kHz) transmitter location is in Kati which
is around 50 kilometres away from Bamako. Once we talked about it in this
WOR group but I don't know when. If I remember well the conclusion was that
CRI's relay and ORTM's own broadcasting site is near to each others but not
exactly on the same place.
Yes, it is true that more and more such sugardaddies are needed to keep, as
mentioned, Meyerton  and others. Sugardaddies, pick please up these
transmitter sites!!!

Tibor Gaal
Budapest, Hungary

   <>, ezt ?rta:

   Shortwave Loggings for November 28, 2020

All loggings in English unless otherwise specified. All times and dates are
in UTC. Wherever possible countries cited are taken from the NASWA country
list. Cities cited after the station are for countries with multiple
transmitter locations.

9635 MALI RTV du Mali at 0833 in French with a selection of lively Afropops
and African hi-life vocals to 0858 and a man with ID and a slogan and more
lively vocals to 0900 and a woman with ID then a man and woman with slogans
then news ? Good with slight fading Nov 28 Coady-ON ? This one uses the same
Chinese installed and maintained transmitter site that the CRI relay station
uses although, officially, RTV du Mali owns it and leases air time to CRI.
It's too bad that other countries don't have this kind of arrangement like
Botswana and Sao Tome and Madagascar. Too bad the Chinese could not have
kept the Meyerton, South Africa transmitter site going but sugar daddies are
hard to find.

9730 CHINA CRI (Beijing) at 1148 with pop vocals and a woman talking about
giving gift cards this year to people you can't see due to COVID-19 ? Fair
Nov 28 Coady-ON

Coady-ON: Mark Coady, Selwyn, Ontario with a Ten-Tec Argonaut II or a Xiegu
X1M and an 80 meter off center-fed dipole or an Alpha Delta DX-LB dipole
both mounted in inverted vee configurations and a 117 foot long half-wave
delta loop.


Message: 7
Date: Sun, 29 Nov 2020 20:03:57 +0000 (UTC)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Cc: Short-Wave Radio Listening <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs November 29, 2020
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

** BRAZIL. 4925, Follow-ups to my log of presumed Tef?, from 
L?cio Ot?vio Bobr?wiec to the WOR iogroup:

4925, Unid. (much probably R. Educa??o Rural, Brasil Tef?, AM) 26/11,
0000?0052 relaying R. Bandeirantes de S?o Paulo, which was covering a
footbal soccer match (Corinthians X Curitiba). Poor, best signal at
0045; around 0052 abrupt sign off (LOB).

4925, Unid. (much probably R. Educa??o Rural, Brasil Tef?, AM) 28/11,
2340?2350 music, male talks. Very poor, slight improvement over time

4925, Unid. (much probably R. Educa??o Rural, Brasil Tef?, AM) 29/11,
0034?0042 female talks, short music, male talks, slow pop music. Very
poor, some improvement over listening (LOB).

4925, Unid. (much probably R. Educa??o Rural, Brasil Tef?, AM) 29/11,
0059?0104 female talks, music. Trying to catch a ToH ID but
deteriorated significantly (LOB).

It is worth mentioning that some het was heard at a certain time that
I did not register on 4925 listenings (LOB). Tecsun PL310et, Wire 14m,
dipole 18m, Embu SP Brasil`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CANADA. 218-MCW kHz, Nov 29 at 0640 UT, dash and RL, 980-watt ND
beacon from Red Lake, Ontario. Tuning upward, the first one heard.
BTW, I *never* hear even a JBA carrier on Euro LWBC frequencies. Of
course, would have a better chance earlier from before sunset.

223-MCW kHz, Nov 29 at 0641 UT, dash and YYW, 1000 watts from
Armstrong, Ontario. BTW, notes that the other
Canadian on 223, YKA, 500 watts in Kamloops BC is ``to be
decommissioned 2021-02-25`` among 18 others on the list --- so hurry
up and DX them.

335-MCW kHz, Nov 29 at 0652, dash and YLD, 500-watt NDB from Chapleau,
Ontario, not on the de-com list. BTW, the dashes only from Canadians
make the correct frequency clear, while the Americans may be best
audible 1, 2 or even 3 kHz displaced (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS. 11550, Nov 29 at 1554, Korean, the first
voice sounding synthetic; RFA via SAIPAN at 1500-1900. Unseems
off-frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 245-MCW kHz, Nov 29 at 0643, NDB HS, but no such call listed
--- presumably really FS, Sioux Falls - Rock SD, commonly heard 400
watts, and either miskeyed with a dot instead of a dash, or misheard.

257-MCW kHz, Nov 29 at 0650 UT, NDB JYR, which is 25 watts at York,
Nebraska, Eclipse Central.

338-MCW kHz, Nov 29 at 0653 UT, NDB UMP, which is 25 watts at
Indianapolis - Metropolitan, Indiana; also some unreadable CCI as I
was tuned to 337-USB (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 475-MCW kHz, Nov 29 at 0715, WWW marker from WA4SZE, the
very slow Morse code beacon in Manchester TN operated by Dave Frantz
at the WWRB SW site & airstrip. I tune past here every night and first
time logged since October 11 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2062 monitoring: confirmed UT
Sunday November 29 starting at 0432:15 on WA0RCR, 1860-AM, Wentzville
MO, VG as picked up locally by Warrenton MO KiwiSDR. Next: 

0030 UT Monday    WRMI 7730 to WNW
0130 UT Monday    WRMI 7780 to NE
0230 UT Monday    WRMI 7780 to NE, 5800 to SSE
0400vUT Monday    WBCQ 6160v Area 61 to WSW
0430 UT Monday    WRMI 9955 [jammed?] to SSE
1900vUT Monday    IRRS 7290 Bulgaria to WNW, 594-Italy
0100 UT Tuesday   WRMI 7780 to NE
0200 UT Tuesday   WRMI 9955 to SSE [jammed?] NEW
0330 UT Tuesday   WRMI 5800 to SSE
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
2300 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955 to SSE
0100 UT Thursday  WRMI 7780 to NE

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary support:
thanks this week to James F. Leppard, Anderson SC, for a check in US
funds on a US bank to:
Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702

One may also contribute via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to:
woradio at (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. Reply from Texas Radio Shortwave to my latest log:

``Ahoy Glenn - Alas TRSW may have to drop its pirate theme now that
we've gone (sorta) mainstream. We guess that Cap'n Ric and the rest of
Crew will just drift off (pirate humor!) and not be heard from again.

With the very limited number of listeners to US pirate stations
compared to those of international broadcasters like Channel 292,
WRMI, and WBCQ, we've learned where our carefully collated music is
most appreciated. Like international broadcasters, we want listeners
not just QSL collectors. Cap'n Ric can't recall the number of times he
heard Ian McFarland, Jonathan Marks, Jeff White, and others say this
at ANARC conferences and on the air. Now he knows what they meant.

Thanks for your report of our anniversary broadcast via WRMI. It's
correct so here's your eQSL. You didn't report on our broadcast a year
ago so you may be interested to know that the small image is the
original eQSL we sent out.

We look forward to hearing from you when we broadcast our
pre-Christmas and Christmas music programs via Channel 292, WRMI, and
WBCQ. We appreciate any publicity you can give to those shows as we
get closer to the dates.

73 and Arrgghh. Always be yourself. Unless you can be a pirate.  Then
always be a pirate.
Texas Radio Shortwave Sailing into your ears from the Lone Star

And here`s the Longhorn eQSL [2423 kb]:
or #102 via
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 2004 UT November 29


Message: 8
Date: Mon, 30 Nov 2020 03:01:25 +0100
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "hcdx" <>,     <>
Subject: Re: [HCDX] Manutenzione Radio Cina Internazionale - anual
        maintenance break of RTC Technicians at Jinhua SW #831 center
Message-ID: <DE6089D92CAB4C8FBB662E28832D7F85@HNPC1>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="utf-8";

similar happened at Urumqi til Dec 10,
at northwestern China - near Russian border.

CRI, anual maintenance break of RTC Technicians, shortwave transmission
center Urumqi, northwestern China near Russian border.
Note CRI German service on shortwave
Dear listeners:
For technical reasons, from 16. Nov. to 10. Dec. our broadcast cannot be
received from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. CET {18-19 UT} on the 9615 kHz frequency
and from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. CET {06-08 UTC} on the 17615 kHz frequency.
The broadcasts on the frequencies 6160 kHz, 7395 kHz and 17720 kHz
remain unchanged. We ask for your understanding.
German editing of CRI. 13 Nov 2020

- - -

SW anual maintenance work RTC Jinhua SW #831 center,
possibly 314 degrees curtain antennas ONLY ?
possible frequencies that are affected by maintenance work:

 7220 1500 1600 44NE,45N JIN 500 59   Jpn  CHN CRI RTC  1756         
 7325 1000 1100 44NE,45N JIN 500 59   Jpn  CHN CRI RTC  1855         
 7325 1100 1200 44NE,45N JIN 500 59   Jpn  CHN CRI RTC  1856         
 7325 1200 1300 44NE,45N JIN 500 59   Jpn  CHN CRI RTC  1857         
 7335 1900 2000 37NW     JIN 500 320  Por  CHN CRI RTC  1876         
 7390 2030 2100 28N      JIN 500 314  Hun  CHN CRI RTC  1922         
 7410 1130 1200 50       JIN 500 172  Fil  CHN CRI RTC  1930         
 7410 1300 1400 44NE,45N JIN 500 59   Jpn  CHN CRI RTC  1932         
 7410 1400 1500 44NE,45N JIN 500 59   Jpn  CHN CRI RTC  1934         
 7430 0900 1000 44NE,45N JIN 500 59   Chn  CHN CRI RTC  1953         
 7430 2200 2300 53,57    JIN 500 255  Chn  CHN CRI RTC  1954         
 7435 1600 1700 53,57    JIN 500 255  Eng  CHN CRI RTC  1961         
 7435 1700 1800 53,57    JIN 500 255  Eng  CHN CRI RTC  1962         
 7435 1800 1900 28SW     JIN 500 314  Ita  CHN CRI RTC  1963 <<<<<<<<
 7440 2200 2300 44NE,45N JIN 500 59   Jpn  CHN CRI RTC  1968         
 9450 2230 0030 33S,42-44JIN 150 340  Zho  CHN CNR RTC 15010         
 9630 2300 2400 50       JIN 500 161  Yue  CHN CRI RTC  2076         
 9665 1400 1500 41SE     JIN 500 258  Sin  CHN CRI RTC  2091         
 9695 2300 2400 44NE,45N JIN 500 59   Jpn  CHN CRI RTC  2112         
 9785 1500 1600 41       JIN 500 280  Eng  CHN CRI RTC  2148         
 9860 0000 0100 50       JIN 500 161  Hak  CHN CRI RTC  2166         
 9860 0100 0200 50       JIN 500 161  Nan  CHN CRI RTC  2167         
11640 0700 0800 44NE,45N JIN 500 59   Yue  CHN CRI RTC  2194         
11640 0800 0900 44NE,45N JIN 500 59   Chn  CHN CRI RTC  2195         
11780 0000 0100 44NE,45N JIN 500 59   Chn  CHN CRI RTC  2239         
15160 0100 0200 44NE,45N JIN 500 59   Chn  CHN CRI RTC  2390         
15160 0200 0300 44NE,45N JIN 500 59   Chn  CHN CRI RTC  2391         
15160 0300 0400 44NE,45N JIN 500 59   Chn  CHN CRI RTC  2392         
15160 0400 0500 44NE,45N JIN 500 59   Yue  CHN CRI RTC  2393         
15160 0500 0600 44NE,45N JIN 500 59   Yue  CHN CRI RTC  2394         
15160 0600 0700 44NE,45N JIN 500 59   Chn  CHN CRI RTC  2395         
17690 0900 1000 55,59,60 JIN 500 150  Eng  CHN CRI RTC  2492         
17690 1000 1100 55,59,60 JIN 500 150  Eng  CHN CRI RTC  2493         
17710 0300 0400 29,30    JIN 500 310  Rus  CHN CRI RTC  2494         

73 wb  df5sx

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Glenn Hauser via" <>
Sent: Monday, November 30, 2020 1:02 AM
Subject: [WOR] Fw: [shortwave] Manutenzione Radio Cina Internazionale

> Italian on 7435 suspended -- HFCC shows Jinhua site at 18-19; also for 
> English at 16-18. CRI has many other broadcasts on 7435 but from other 
> sites. Something`s wrong at Jinhua, also affecting other languages and 
> frequencies? Will all be so notified? Glenn
> Sent: Friday, November 27, 2020, 04:55:47 PM GMT+1
> Subject: [shortwave] Manutenzione Radio Cina Internazionale
> Cari amici ascoltatori,
> per un motivo tecnico, saranno sospese tra il 15 e il 28 dicembre le
> trasmissioni sulla frequenza 7435 kHz.
> Diamo il benvenuto alle Sue opinioni e proposte sui nostri programmi
> sulle onde corte e sul nostro sito Internet e alla Sua attenzione a
> Cinitalia APP, un'app per dispositivi mobili in grado di fornire
> informazioni e servizi in lingua cinese e italiana e al nostro account
> Facebook, Radio Cina Internazionale.
> Cordiali saluti
> Sezione Italiana
> Radio Cina Internazionale
> (via Roberto Scaglione)

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 215, Issue 35

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