** BOLIVIA. 3310, April 1 at 0040, S7-S9 carrier but can`t make out
much mod, also with QRM from the 3308-USB MARS net. Since I logged R.
Mosoj Chaski direct last night, I proceed to S American SDRs to hear
it better? tonight: JBA carrier at Bonaire; at 0125 it`s JBA at
Vilhena, Brasil, better at Brasilia #2, and slightly better2 at
Pardinho tho further away. All are storm-noisy. Mostly YL talking in
Quechua, then some music mixed in by 0152. 0159 maybe a Spanish ID; at
least I copy ``3,310 kHz`` which may be bilingual. Then there`s that
200+ Hz tone! again from 0200.5 but off* before 0207. Next time: I`ll
listen to the live stream but which probably lax the postlude (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** MEXICO [and non]. 700 kHz, April 1 at 0501 UT, WLW goes off for
maintenance, tnx to tip from MARE. It made a false stop at 0500, came
back on to include ID but nothing said about going off nor for how
long. This uncovers two weak Spanish signals at almost the same SW/NE
DF, inseparable. Main one has to be XEGD, Hidalgo del Parral,
Chihuahua: one music, one talk then both music, making SAH of
152/minute = 2.53 Hz. Mwoffsets is no help, no Mexican entries on

At 0516, ``La Poderosa / 700 AM y 90.3 FM`` or vice versa at 0528,
which nails it as XEGD, per IRCA Mexican Log, but music is
predominantly romántica, not GRU/AC. At 0520, clear Poderosa MST TC as
``10:19``. Of course, its power is nothing to crow/brand about except
as a Big Lie, 5/1 kW. 

The only further Mexicans per IRCA Log are in Jalisco and Michoacán,
but considerably CCW from HdP bearing. With these nulled, I hear
nothing from the few other USA/Canadians at night on 700, in AB. AK,
CA, OR, TX, UT, WA, which are low-powered and/or too far and/or aiming
away from here. 

At 0555, WLW still off and something Spanish mentions ``101``, likely
an FM frequency but no known matches to 700 stations. At 0600 choral
Mexican NA, and suspect XEGD or something goes off, as the weak mix
after that is different. IRCA Log shows 0500* for it. 

The two Texans, DFW and Houston to the SSE were not showing earlier
with their unfavorable patterns; by 0630 there is gospel music in
English roughly NNW/SSE but not the format of either TX. That could be
CJLI Calgary, 50/20 kW, or even KGRV Oregon, 23/0.47 kW. Has KDAZ
Albuquerque moved from 730 to 700 yet? I QRT at 0640*, causing me to
sleep far too late past 1400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TURKEY. 9830, March 31 at 2200, no signal from VOT English; and no
RTTY either; tsk2. Something`s always erroneous at Emirler (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TURKEY. 7275, April 1 at 0343, ME music at S9/+10. This is the
resumed A-21 frequency for VOT English to N America at 0300, INTRUDING
into our ham band. // 6165 eastward would be blocked by Cuba. Was
there no place for TRT above 7300? Note that 7275 is weaker even than
VOA via Vatican thataway on 7260 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [non]. 7260, April 1 at 0341, S9+10/20 strong but lo-fi talk,
mentions Somalia --- as it is VOA Somali via VATICAN, violating
Separation of Church and State, as sked 0330-0400 only. At this time
7260 also bears Vanuatu, East Turkistan, Mongolia per Aoki/NDXC.
American hams cannot be too happy about this intrusion by their own
VOA, ignoring the fact that SMG is notorious for sending bigsigs the
wrong way (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 2079 monitoring: Richard Lemke, Alberta,
rounds up his confirmations, including Wed 1030 on 5850:

Program heard: World of Radio #2079, Date heard in UT: March 26, 29,
31 UT 2021. Monitoring, checking signal using SINPO code,

5850 kHz, QSB fading, 5850 kHz, 0132, 0145, 0150 (55444), (55443), 
0159, 5850 kHz, March 26 UTC 2021 [Fri]

7730 kHz, static, QSB fading, QRN, 7730 kHz, 0059 (45333), (45433),
QRN, 0059, 7730 kHz, March 29 UT 2021 [Mon]

5800 kHz, 0248, 0250 (55433), 0257, 5800 kHz, March 29 UT [Mon]

5850 kHz, 1045 (554), 1044 half way mark, 1045, 5850 kHz, March 31 UT
2021 [Wed]

9955 kHz, S5 signal, QSB fading, 2214, words “This is, 9955 kHz,
finally heard ID at 2229, “2079” 2229, 9955 kHz, March 31 UTC 2021
[Wed] (Lemke, Richard -AB, Canada)`` 

Confirmed here Wednesday March 31 at 2100 on WRMI 7780, JBA theme
direct; and starting ~20 seconds later on WBCQ 7490-, slightly better
direct, VP. 

Also confirmed Wed Mar 31 at 2200 on WRMI 9955, S9+25/30 over Cuban
pulse jamming, which is now running this early.

Also confirmed UT Thursday April 1 at 0130 on WRMI 5010, S5-S7 into
Brasil SDRs but stormy.

Next WOR 2080 should be ready by early UT Fri April 2 for first
broadcasts at 0130 on WRMI 5850 & 7780 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. 6159.93, April 1 at 0050, WBCQ Area 61 Old Time
Radio with `Amos `n` Andy` recreation by Ed Tilton, S9+10 but with ACI
splash from S9+30 6165 RHC English, which unexpectedly resumed here
ex-9700, from about 0000, messing up the second hour of A61 and
anything later, even when tuned in LSB. Now I am not so eager to get
WOR back on at 0300 UT Mondays: bad choice between CubaRM or daytime
absorption. RHC could easily have resumed 6145 instead of 6165. 

And at least before 0100, nothing on 6155, 6150 or 6145, where WBCQ
could shift if not RHC. But QSY is not so easy at WBCQ, by regulatory
approval, or by grinding new crystals. A further look at HFCC for
openings: nothing on 6155 until VOA at 0330, discounting wooden
Bulgaria until 0300. 6150 totally open our evenings. 6145 only maybe
China, and alternate for The Mighty KBC UT Sundays only, surely not to
be used before next winter, if ever. Aoki/NDXC sked has nothing
significant to add (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) 

** VENEZUELA. 6205, April 1 at 0013 tune-in via Bonaire SDR,
immediately hear ROCV Morse code ID, and spoken ID in Spanish with
numbers, phone? followed by --- Polish! Why not? S7-S8; had been AWOL
last night (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 1729 UT April 1
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