Tip: use R Kuwait DRM mode outlet of 11970 kHz this morning via Kiwi at


KUWAIT Radio Kuwait in Arabic, - not En -, backlobe S=7-8 into Zakynthos
Greece, 250 kW at 100degr azimuth scheduled (-10degr slewed) scheduled
at 05.00-08.15 UT.

But into South Asia at Delhi India much, much powerhouse like stronger:
S=9+55dB or tremendous -18dBm signal in KIWI-sdr there. At 05.58 UT.

MOI service '1001', 17.46 kbps, SNR 20.7dB, SDC 4, MSC 64.

CUBA  This morning - as always - on 6165 kHz - not 6145 kHz which never
received here in A-21 season, seems irr. vary from day to day in 49mb ?

5024.997 CUB  R Rebelde from Bauta site, at 05.25 UT on April 4.

5040even CUB  RHC ENGLISH ! - on all five channels this morning:
5040, 6000, 6060, 6100, and 6165 kHz.

Station ID at 05.31 UT followed by a sports report from Europe, European
Champions League football report, of Liverpool, Manchester City,
Bayern Munich, Paris etc.
5999.999 CUB  RHC Quivican 250 kW bcast center outlet, S=9+25dB at 05.34 UT.

6030  S=6 -112dBm security forces low level scratch signal
from Cuban anti-Marti US mouthpiece jamming.

6060even CUB  RHC Bauta site, English, S=9+10dB, but BUZZY transmission,
120 Hertz away apart distance spurs visible, 7 x 120 Hertz distance
strings visible - like a garden fence - either '840 Hertz sideband'
at 05.37 UT on April 4.

6100even CUB  RHC Bauta too, much better audio to fetch here,
En S=9+10dB at 05.39 UT.

6165even CUB  RHC Bauta En, rather LOW LEVEL modulated today program feed,
05.44 UT on April 4. Fluttery S=8 signal of rather lower power.

4885.027 BRA  R Clube do Para, BrasPort, S=6 or -96dBm,
not bad propagation this morning in 60 mb towards NY, NJ, nor MI SDR's.

4939.992 CLM  The other 60 mb morning sce La Montana Colombia, in Sp,
S=4-5 or -105dBm at 05.25 UT.

From Zakynthos Greece SDR unit remotedly on Easter Sunday April 4:

9745even AUT  BBC London in Hausa towards West Africa via ORS Moosbrunn
bcast center. S=9+30dB or -45dBm powerful. Talk program at 05.48 UT.

9770.007 TUR  TRT Emirler in Turkish language, schedule 04.00-05.58 UT,
S=9+30dB power in Greece.

11549.877  STILL ODD FREQUENCY of "Iran International TV" Londres UK
program,  Persian sce via Central Asian relay of Tashkent Uzbekistan,
much odd frequency. S=8 at 05.53 UT.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 4)

----- Original Message ----- From: "Glenn Hauser via Hard-Core-DX" Sent: Sunday, April 04, 2021 5:59 AM
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs April 3-4, 2021

CUBA. 6060, April 3 at 0551, RHC English with the perpetual buzz;
6000 OK, 6100 off, 6145 VG, 5040 in Spanish. Something`s always wrong
at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

TURKEY [and non]. 9830, Sat Apr 3 at 2258, VOT is on the air
without RTTY but German IDs & IS; after English hour of mostly music,
promos and COVID-19 warnings, no mailbag. Something`s always erroneous
at Emirler. Sloppyrators haven`t turned it off, so German news starts
at 2301, good into Virginia SDR, but off before 2316 recheck. At least
The Mighty KBC no longer has to be concerned about TRT overruns on
5960 --- if it ever was, and in a month it`s to resume 9925 just like
Croatian Radio Zagreb used to do (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 0400 UT April 4
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