4775.038 PRU  Most LIKELY poor signal string of R Tarma Peru, Spanish,
         poor and tiny, -109dBm signal at 01.00 UT on June 5th.

CUBA   This morning June 5th around 00.30 to 01.45 UT monitored
in southern Germany;  NY, NJ and FL remote SDR's:

Some stronger high power CNR1 jamming services from China mainland
against Taiwanese SoH Mandarin. At 00.35 UT noted on southern Germany
12500 - 16 kHz wideband, 12820, 12880, 13020, 13130, 13160, 13530, 13590,
13680, 13840, and 13920 kHz, all at S=9 level.

13740even CUB  Amongst them 22 mband also Cuban Bauta outlet 13740even,
         excellent mid-summer night path transmission across Atlantic,
         S=9 at 00.51 UT on June 5th. Excellent audio of this Bauta
         transmitter feed.
         RHC Spanish sce, 'Parliamento Cubano' report.
4765even CUB  Radio Progreso Bejucal 50 kW unit, 00.30-04.00 UT in
         Spanish, young girls singer group, S=9+20dB in NY remote SDR.

5010even USA  WRMI Spanish sce, religious? on Saturdays at 01.00-01.30
         UT, S=9+30dB powerhouse noted in NJ and FL state SDR remotedly..
         Same religious prayer on \\
5850even USA  WRMI, excellent audio S=9+35dB.

Cuban Bauta outlets
5025 and 5040 kHz both powerhouses S=9+40dB at 01.03 UT on June 5th.

5085even USA  WTWW pop mx sce, annmt of their website data given, at
         01.05 UT more than S=9+15dB.
5800even USA  WRMI Okeechobee bcast center carried Taiwanese RTI ext
         service in Spanish language, S=9+35dB powerful at 01.07 UT.
5829.985 USA  WTWW classical piano mx and accompanied orchestra, at
         01.09 UT fluttery characteristic. S=8-9 level.
5970even USA  WEWN #3, Spanish prayer, 'Maria Madre del Dios', audio
         much excellente from Birmingham these days, S=9+35dB, 01.10 UT
5999.999 CUB  RHC Quivican San Felipe TITAN 250 kW site RadioCuba center,
         60 Hertz slight BUZZ tone to listen too, 01.11 UT, 'new Isreal
         premier minister and cabinet soon...' , '... cargo ship disaster
         in front of Ceylon coastline', S=9+35dB signal.
6049.996 EQA  HCJB Quito from Pico Pichincha mountain, 10 kW domestic sce
         S=5 or -94dBm strength. Spanish language 01.13 UT on June 5th.
6159.892 USA  WBCQ  S=6 or -87dBm poor outlet, suffer heavy QRM of
         adjacent neighbour RHC Bauta English sce on 6165 kHz. 01.14 UT.
6184.969 MEX  XEPPM R Educacion Mexico D.F., Spanish sce at 01.16 UT, S=9

7259.003 TUR  TRT Emirler in Spanish language, S=9+30dB powerful into
         Latin AM target - and NY and FL eastern states too, Turkish
         modern pop mx program, at 01.20 UT on June 5th.
7305.004 USA  One TX unit at US AGM site Greenville NC
         is slightly  o d d  fq noted
         with Vatican Radio CVA Portuguese language sce relay at
         01.00-01.29 UT, much much powerhouse towards Brazil target at
         S=9+45dB noted in Cape Canaveral path. 11 kHz wideband audio.
7335 and 7365 kHz are on xxx.000 even fq, US AGM site Greenville NC Radio
         Marti anti-Cuban government outlet at 01.29 UT also S=9+45dB.

7345 kHz some digital signal outlet broad 10 kHz block ?
Greenville DRM-test of R Marti -- rather not ?, likely Cuban anti-Marti
scratching jammer signal ?

7375even ROU  RRI Tiganesti-?-likely in French sce 01.00-01.57 UT
         scheduled, noted at 01.32 UT at S=9+35dB in NJ and FL.
         10 kHz wideband nice audio feed.
7420even ROU  RRI Bucharest, Romanian sce via Galbeni site, black negro
         Jazz singer program at 01.34 UT. S=9+35dB well propagate.
7505even USA  WRNO in English, 01-04 UT, 01.37 UT, piano solo and
         accompanied orchestra.
7519.994 USA  Likely WWCR, but sermon of TOM BS ? at 01.39 UT, S=9+35dB,
         dealing with Israel, 'Your Father Is The Devil...'. and noted
         \\ also WRMI 7570 and 7730 kHz same content.

5024.997 odd fq Radio Rebelde Bauta at 07.06 UT S=9+5dB signal.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 5)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Glenn Hauser via Hard-Core-DX"Sent: Saturday, June 05, 2021
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs June 4-5, 2021

PERU. 4775.04, June 5 at 0202, JBA carrier, presumed still Radio
Tarma on its signature offset. The station had been attacked by
Sendero Luminoso, but apparently another of their transmitters. See
this illustrated story via CadenaDX FB via Don Moore, MARE Tipsheet:
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

U S A. 6159.891, UT Sat June 5 at 0000, WBCQ with double-ID jingle,
JIP WTO theme for `AAAWWW`. First subject is aliens. Checked on a
Maryland SDR I already have up for TRSW. I`m otherwise occupied this
hour, so cede the floor to John Carver:

"Tonight's show started on time on 6160 and 7490 but 6160 was hard to
copy. Allan in the studio in hot and humid Fla with a beautiful
Angela. Angela brings up aliens again, also spam phone calls,
commercials etc. Allan starts reading the new edition of the Free
Radio Weekly at 0017. Talk then continues about radio and space
including SETI. Then a discussion of traveling in space. Phone call at
0049 from Mr. Transistor, Norm about digital AM radio. Another phone
call at 0055 talking about aliens and the pyramids. Reading of emails
at 0058 and off the air at 0100. John, Mid-North Indiana"
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
This report despatched at 0345 UT June 5   _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list

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