Log 01.50 to 02.45 UT on Wednesday September 15,
at AJ1L Massachusetts eastern US state, and at
VE6JY at Edmonton Alberta Canada SDR remotedly.

3265     USA  WBCQ - nil - nothing on air.
3215even USA  WWCR Nashville TN, S=8-9 or -76dBm, religious BIBLE reading
             chapter talk, 01.50 UT Sept 15.
4765even CUB  R Progreso Bejucal 50 kW outlet to LatinAM, piano player
             and singer played at 01.55 UT, S=8-9 or -82dBm.
4789.982 USA  WBCQ (ex-5130kHz) S=9+10dB or -68dBm, TOM BS roarer sermon,
             at 01.58 UT.
4839.996 USA  WWCR Nashville TN, En discussion on terrorism on US capital
             S=9+10dB -61dBm at 02.05 UT on Sept 15.

4885.028 BRA  Radio Clube do Para, BrasPort, at 02.07 UT, S=8 or -88dBm.
             and also hit much of 'CODAR audio wiper' on
             4889-4914 kHz, and 4737-4764 kHz wide range in 60 meterband

5010even USA  WRMI Okeechobee FL, RTI Taiwan International Spanish sce,
             much fluttery into Massachusetts eastern US state, 02-02.30
             at 02.09 UT, S=8-9 fluttery signal.
5024.997 CUB  Radio Rebelde from Bauta site, Spanish phone-in service,
             at 02.11 UT, S=9+10dB.
5040even CUB  RHC Bauta in Spanish, 01-05 UT, talk on Cordoba, Santa Fé,
             at 02.13 UT on Sept 15.
5889.995 USA  WWCR NashvilleTN, like TOM prayer service but not roarer BS!
             at 02.15 UT S=9+10dB.
5900.001 BUL  SPC-NURTS Sofia Kostinbrod Bulgaria relay site,
             relayed TOM BS US religious archive program at 02.17 UT,
             S=6-7 or -89dBm in Massachusetts eastern US state coast.
5999.999 CUB  RHC Quivican San Felipe TITAN 250 kW shortwave site unit,
             S=9+20dB or -48dBm, En talk on La Paz conference in 2019.
6060even CUB  RHC Bauta in Spanish, BUZZ STRING bad audio / modulation
             performance, 9 x heavy strings visible either sideband,
             each 9 X times at 120 Hertz distance apart.
             Bad main power sieving. 1080 Hertz broadband buzzy audio.
6069.978 CAN  CFRX Toronto in English, S=9+5dB at 02.25 UT, and also
             co-channel underneath signal of
6070even UAE  FEBA Radio in Urdu language of Pakistan branch, Al Dhabbaya
             relay site of ENC Encompass Digital Media Services; 02.28 UT
6105even F__  TREMENDOUS 2 X 18 kHz wideband signal of powerhouse 02-04UT
             NHK Radio Japan Tokyo via TDF Issoudun relay site, Japanese
             S=9+45dB into Massachusetts eastern US state coast SDR unit.
6159.950 USA  WBCQ ME US private SW stn, fluttery short-skip reflection
             zone signal into MA state SDR, poor S=5 signal, at 02.31 UT.
6184.969 MEX  XEPPM Radio Educación, Mexico D.F., S=6 or -95dBm  02.35 UT
7489.912 USA  Weak and tiny WBCQ signal -113dBm, at 02.37 UT, at NJ1L
             remote SDR server in MA state, WBCQ prayer,
             but stronger S=9+5dB in Edmonton Alberta Canada SDR.
9330even USA  WBCQ 250/300kW beast PA tube repaired by Continental techni-
             cians recently, now with full power? on air again.
             S=9+25dB at VE6JY SDR server noted at 02.43 UT on Sept 15.
             Excellent audio quality, well done.
[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 15)

----- Original Message ----- From: "Glenn Hauser via Hard-Core-DX" <hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs September 13-14, 2021

U S A. 6159.951, UT Tue Sept 14 at 0052, Area 61 via WBCQ is in the
clear thanks to RHC on 6145 instead of 6165, but don`t count on it to
last. Cowboy song finishes, then lament for someone who has died, a
member of the Grand Ole Opry; 0053 classic Camel cigarette ad in full,
which would be illegal today but OK as an historical relic? Trouble
is, Camels still exist, I think. Credit to G.O.O. on AFRS, NBC and
WSM, NBC Monitor; Yes, G.O.O. from 13 Sept 1958y is on this week's
Area 61 sked:
BTW, as a non-zappahead, I now know that Larry Will's 'cosmikdebris'
handle derives from a Frank Zappa song:
--- and into WBCQ The Planet ID, a few more minutes of music fill
before another ID and

0100, Hal Turner touting reaching 70 countries on SW via WRMI & WBCQ,
is that all? in addition to his pipsqueak AM outlet in Utah, 13-watt
KYAH 540 in Delta. Well, it will be on night power if legal from 0145
in September, from 0100 UT in October. I bet Hal never mentions KYAH
coverage, power, which at best is 1 kW days (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

U S A. 9330, Sept 14 at 1517, WBCQ-6 SuperStition is off again after
resuming WLCR nonsense yesterday. Hope the new $240K PA tube did
not break again? Still absent at 1700 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
This report dispatched at 1725 UT September 14
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