Thanks Rick and Ron,

HFCC request database A21 and B21 never show
low power Amoy language outlets on 6185 kHz channel.

Newly erected shortwave antenna real in 2017 year ?
Jimei, Xiamen, Fujian, China.

Some earthworks in 2017year on location east of the MW masts
dimmly seen 2 masts next the TX house at :
24 38 02.11 N  118 01 41.23 E  and in row some lower SW dipol masts
little southwards too,

probably dimmly seen at

!  4 masts seen even in March 2003 G.E. image
CHBC  from MW 873 kHz 250 kW Jimei Xiamen Fujian location show
Aoki location at 24 38 01 N  118 01 36 E
but real midst shown on G.E. location
TX house building at
24 38 02.83 N  118 01 40.56 E

73 wolfy df5sx
wwdxc topnews

----- Original Message ----- From: "Ron Howard" <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2021 5:55 AM
Subject: [WOR] RE - (SW) Arizona Update - CHBC

6185  CHINA  Huayi Bc. Corp (presumed the one and *via Chengdu*) at 1200,
in Chinese and listed as also Amoy
(pockets in PRC and coastal areas of RoC on Taiwan)   – Fair   Sept. 24

Hi Rick,
CHBC has been doing remarkably well this past year on 6185 kHz.! The Aoki
database for many years has shown the
station's location as "Chengdu" (Sichuan province), but is in fact *located
in Fuzhou* (Fujian province), which is about
1,257 miles away from Chengdu. Fuzhou is located across the strait from

CHBC QSL card, which can be enlarged, is posted at .
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