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Today's Topics:

   1. Angola and Austr?lia (L?cio Bobrowiec)
   2. JRX Current Logs: Tuesday, October 12, 2021 (Jota Xavier)
   3. Glenn Hauser logs October 12-13, 2021 (Glenn Hauser)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2021 13:41:37 +0000 (UTC)
From: L?cio Bobrowiec <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [HCDX] Angola and Austr?lia
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

4950kHz, R. Nacional de Angola, Angola, Mulenvos; 09/10, 0040 - 0048 brazilian 
music, male announcements. Signal a little better than average of recent weeks, 
poor (LOB).

5055kHz, 4KZ (T), Austr?lia; 12/10, 0820 - 0831 music selections (A Horse With 
No Name - America), male announcements. Signal improvement probably by the 
station because in previous days there was nothing on this frequency here. 
Poor, unreadable (LOB).

Tecsun PL310et?
Wire 14m, dipole 18m?
Embu SP Brasil

Enviado do Yahoo Mail no Android


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2021 23:37:49 +0000 (UTC)
From: Jota Xavier <>
Subject: [HCDX] JRX Current Logs: Tuesday, October 12, 2021
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

JRX Current Logs: Tuesday, October 12, 2021
Receiver (s): Sony ICF-SW100
Antenna (s): Sony AN-71
All times and dates in UTC-GMT

** 9490. Tue, Oct 12, 2021. 0131-0141, Radio Rep?blica, Issoudun-F, in Spanish. 
Woman says ID; Man and woman announcers present news and comment about 
communist regime in Cuba and the current government policy on the island. Fair 
reception: 35533.

** 15310. Tue, Oct 12, 2021. 1739-1749, Bible Voice Broadcasting, Nauen-D, in 
Tigrinya. Man pastor makes a christian preaching. Good to very good reception: 

** 15260. Tue, Oct 12, 2021. 1727-1737, IBRA Media-Radio Sama, Woofferton-G, in 
Arabic. Woman talks, preaching, presumably; 1729 A short song and returns woman 
communication; 1734 Religious chant; 1736 Man announcer talks. Fair to good 
reception: 45533.

** 17650. Tue, Oct 12, 2021. 0048-0059, Adventist World Radio Guam-KSDA, 
Agat-GUM, in Chinese. Woman talks; 0052 A brief song and returns woman 
announcer communication; 0056 Woman talks with music background; 0059 Man 
announcer talks. Poor reception: 35522.

** 15540. Tue, Oct 12, 2021. 1657-1710, Radio Kuwait, Kabd-KWT, in Urdu. A song 
by duet singers; 1659 Woman talks; 1700 Time pips and returns woman announcer 
communication. Fair reception: 35533.

** 11890. Tue, Oct 12, 2021. 1646-1656, Voice of America, Tinang-PHL, in 
Tibetan. Man announcer talks; 1648 Man says ID and next, man and woman 
announcers talk. Fair reception: 35533.

** 11925. Tue, Oct 12, 2021. 0115-0130, Adventist World Radio, Trincomalee-CLN, 
in Amoy. Woman and man announcers talk; 0123 A song by male singer; 0127 Man 
talks, says ID and website, letter-by-letter; 0130 Ends programming. Fair 
reception: 35533.

** 13745. Tue, Oct 12, 2021. 0156-0208, Deewa Radio, Udon Thani-THA, in Pashto. 
Man announcer talks news and says "taleban" many times. Fair reception for this 
VOA transmission in pashto language: 35533.

** 9870. Tue, Oct 12, 2021. 0143-0155, Voice of Turkey, Emirler-TUR, in 
Spanish. Traditional turkish songs; 0152 Woman announcer says VOT sked in 
spanish and all addresses and says "hasta ma?ana".   Very good reception: 55544.

** 7305. Tue, Oct 12, 2021. 0104-0114, Radio Vaticana, Greenville-NC, in 
Portuguese. Woman and man announcers present a newsletter Vatican News. Good 
reception: 45544.

JRX (Jos? Ronaldo Xavier)
SWARL Callsign PR7036SWL
Cabedelo-Para?ba, Brazil (UTC-3)
QTH Locator HI22NX


Message: 3
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2021 03:23:31 +0000 (UTC)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Cc: Short-Wave Radio Listening <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs October 12-13, 2021
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

** CUBA. 11880, Oct 12 at 2302, NO signal from RHC English; also off
in Spanish: 11850 and its 11840/11860 parasites: something`s always
wrong at RHC. But on are: 11760 with humbuzz, 11670; and 11980 JBA
probably 2 x 5990 CRI English (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 5990, Oct 13 at 0142, RHC English with thin-voiced YL, wrong
frequency instead of 6000; and also JBA on 2X = 11980; // 6165 on
right frequency instead of 6145. Thus of the two NAm English channels
at 00-05, you never know which two of four frequencies will be in use.
Something`s something`s always always wrong wrong at at RHC RHC (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 11850, Oct 13 at 0143, RHC Spanish is S9/+10 but suptorted,
rather than completely off 2 hours and 41 minutes earlier. Something`s
always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA [non]. 11860, Wed Oct 12 on caradio, nothing but choral music
on R. Mart?, various chex during the 17-18 UT hour, no jamming heard.
unseems sacred, but program sked shows for this date and time:
easily reached via Alan Roe`s WORLD OF RADIO Hitlist:
``13:00 - 14:00 [EDT] La Santa Misa
of Our Lady of Charity, in, where else, Miami, thus violating
Separation of Church and State. Tripadvisor explains: ``es un templo
cat?lico de la Arquidi?cesis de Miami dedicado a Nuestra Se?ora de la
Caridad, Patrona de Cuba, ubicado en Coconut Grove, Miami, Florida``
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** KASHMIR [non]. 15170, Oct 12 at 1505, JBA carrier direct, 1508 late
tune-in via UTwente SDR to another weekly Kashmir Citivas, from IRRS,
worse than usual, not solid, only S9-S6 --- and it`s completely in
English! about legacy of British colonialism, atop usual strumming. I
notify the WOR iog but it`s too late, 1511 switch back to Urdu talk.
No Western music fill this week, chopped off at 1529* but not before
we hear the last two notes of the RRI IS, pause, and then the first
note, before gone; tantalizing those who guessed this via Bulgaria?
Instead of ROMANIA (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** MARTINIQUE. 18133.4-USB correct FM4LV frequency in last report, not
typo 18134.4 (Glenn Hauser, WOR)

** SPAIN. 17855, Oct 12 at 2301 and 11940 at 2312, zero signals from
the two REE frequencies scheduled to run past 2305 weekdays: maybe the
geomag storm have delayedly hit, outwiping such prop. At 2100, K-index
was 3 with moderate space weather = G2-level storms preceding and
predicting. By 2400, same except no more predicted (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 2107 monitoring; next:

1030 UT Wednesday WRMI 5850 to NW [? not Oct 6]
2100 UT Wednesday WRMI 7780 to NE
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0030 UT Thursday  WRMI 9395 to NNW, 9455 to WNW
0130 UT Thursday  WRMI 5010 to S

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary support;
thanks this week to Kelly Bogues, Colorado for a contribution via
PayPal to woradio at
a.k.a.. Rabishu, he says, ``Thanks Glenn for all the many many years
of WOR. I have been hearing you for decades. You're a shortwave
inspiration and I will always remain inspired by you.`` 

One may also contribute by MO or check in US funds on a US bank to
Glenn Hauser, PO Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 9330, Oct 12 at 0252, WBCQ World`s Last Chance is on again,
VG S9+20/30, Canadian-accented interviewer with someone about
Antarctica; anti-Rothschild, anti-elite. Wondering if some other
far-right political show? Not your usual pontificating. Oh2: Then
country song so wacko it could be taken as a parody on any other
station, like: there was never a man on the moon, it was made-for-tv;
stars and moon are not that far away, all we have is under a dome;
there are no satellites, no matter how upwards dishes are aimed, they
are really picking up terrestrial signals, from this Flat Earth;
partly paraphrased. 

9330 is now much stronger than its nearest neighbor SW station, 9265
WINB; but way above other WBCQs: 7490v JBA, 6160v TOMBS. 0259 a few
notes of the menacing WLCR theme before cutoff the air. If I happened
to tune in now, I would have concluded it`s still AWOL. Cut back on
the air at *0300.7 with legal ID by AW, and then YL WLC ID also as on
WBCQ, more English. Presumably had to break for antenna rotation, but
no difference here before/after signal levels. HFCC shows at 0300 it
goes from 245 to 270 degrees, but also changes antenna designator from
805 to 216, huh? Both as only 250 kW. Surely it`s the exact same
Ampegon rotatable, but HFCC references:
805 LPH18/36.5/32.2/16.7/1.4/13.2/200
216 AHR(S)4/4/0.5 
Maybe someone can explain that? From log periodic to rhombic? HFCC
provides no key or explanation to its lengthy antenna reference table
included in the zips with schedules (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 9955, Oct 12 at 2256, WRMI with rock is S9+20/30, despite
alleged SSE angle, strong enough to audiblize plus/minus 5 kHz
parasitic spurs --- but none detected now: problem fixed, or
intermittent; or differing transmitter units and/or antennas subject
to those? The messy modulation from TOMBS elsewhen could also be
responsible, not from that now (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 7505, Oct 12 at 0324, VP signal in presumed Hindi from
presumed WRNO as nothing else is scheduled in A-21; usually much
stronger when on, but at that awkward 1-megameter distance; and was
missing last night just after 0100. It`s hard to believe this
transpolar signal accomplish any significant service to India at
8:45-9:30 am IST (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)                   

UNIDENTIFIED. 6932?-USB?, Oct 12 at 2259, pirate music I can`t get to
resolve in LSB or USB, stepping up and down 1 kHz; and then gone.
Maybe the problem be the unrecognizable music. Not very, but the
closest log to this in HFU is unID on 6933 earlier:,87648.0.html
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

UNIDENTIFIED. 15833-USB, Oct 12 at 2303, 2-way in Spanish discussing
putas (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 0323 UT October 13

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 226, Issue 13

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