DXing America,s SDR,s (Remotely)
Submissions Are in Chronological Order as they were heard.

** (China) Only two Stations are copied on the 16 meter band at this
Time into Central Vermont,USA (0430z-0500z)Near midnight local time on
17510 khz in Xianyiang at S7 and 17710 khz in Beijing both speaking in
Hakka broadcasting in Simulcast playing soft EZ music With OM and YL
and ID and SIGNOFF at 0500z copied into K1YL rSDR Shrewsbury,Vermont
Dec.9,2022 GaryPence,km5x,Tx.

** Brazil
15190 khz (0519z) R.Inconfidincia ID0520z,OM Speaking Portuguese and
Playing SA music with a S6-8 signal into KFS SE ant rSDR Half Moon
Bay,California and S6 into rSDR Cental Vermont.Dec.9,2022 GP,km5x,Tx.

** Botswana
15580 khz (0530z)VOA speaking english brocasting from Selbi-Phikwe
Recap todays news SSOB S9+10db signal into K1YL rSDR Shrewsbury,VT.
Dec.9,2022 GaryPence,km5x,Tx.

13830 khz (0538z) VOA speaking French from Selbi-phikwe,Botswana
With SSOB S7,S8 signal into K1VL rSDR Shrewsbury,VT.Dec.9,2022 GP,Km5x.

** Turkey
9700 khz (0546z) VOT Speaking turkish playing turkish music from
Emirler with a S9+5db signal into W1NT SDR Newton,NH.Dec.9,2022 GP,Km5x

9665 khz (0551z) R.Voz Missionaria playing music With a S9 signal
Into W1NT SDR Newton,NH.Dec.9,2022 GP,km5x,TX.

** Germany
6180 khz (0613z)Deutscher Wetterdienst YL broadcasting weather reports
for various cities from Pinneberg with a S9 Signal into W1NT SDR
Newton,NH.QSL to seeschifff...@dwd.de. Dec.9,2022 GaryPence,km5x,Tx.
Also Heard S7 into KC9FFV rSDR just East of Dallas,Tx where he uses a
142ft End Fed Antenna.

** Philippines
12095 khz (1030z) F.E.B.C. RADIO Broadcasting in LU from Bocaue about 15
miles of Manila with a S7-9 signal into KFS rSDR Half Moon Bay,CA.
Dec.9,2022 GaryPence,km5xTx.

** Philippines
9825 khz (1100z) VOA Speaking Chinese in Collision With CNR1 china
VOA broadcasting from Tinang almost 60miles NNW from Manila with a
S9+15db signal into KFS rSDR H.M.Bay,CA.Dec.9,2022 GP,km5x,TX.

** China
5050 khz (1109z) VO Beibu Bay Radio(CRI) YL Speaking Vietnamese from
Naning with S7 signal into Half Moon Bay,CA,Dec.9,2022 GP,km5x,Tx.

** Australia
5055 khz (1115z) 4KZ playing music song"Tears of a Clown " by Smokey
Robinson's 1970 hit from Innisfail,North Queensland with a S8 signal
Into KFS SW rSDR Half Moon Bay,CA Dec.9,2022 GaryPence,km5x,Tx.

** KOREA (North)
3320 khz (1128z) PYONGYANG BS Speaking korean with a S8 signal with
considerable QRN into Half Moon Bay,CA.Dec.9,2022 GP,km5x,Tx.

** KOREA (South)
3480 khz (1138z)Voice of the People OM Speaking korean with a S9
Signal into H.M.Bay,CA Dec.9,2022 GaryPence,km5x,Tx.

6090 Khz (1148z) NHK World speaking Japanese broadcasting from YAMATA
with a S9+15/20db, -53dbmSignal into KFS SDR H.M.Bay,CA.Dec.9,2022

** China
4820 khz (1200z) PBS TIBET RADIO Xizang speaking Chinese from Lhasa
with a S8-9 Signal into KFS rSDR Half Moon Bay,CA.Dec.9,2022 GP,km5x,Tx

Dispatched 1204z Dec.9,2022
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