Sorry dear Ivan Zelenyi,

I couldn't identify any of these central and southern Asia languages,
due of very LOW MODULATION out of Riyadh center,
but tremendous powerful TX signal noted
into Doha Qatar Perseus SDR unit.

see WRTH page # 648 under Saudi Arabia shortwave schedule,
16 - 18 UT Urdu language to Pakistan is scheduled instead,
on 9885 kHz

9885even ARS  Saudi R International in Uzbek lang, much low modulation
level, 16-17 UT S=9+15 dB.

73 wb  df5sx
wwdxc germany

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- From: Ivan Zelenyi via Hard-Core-DX
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2023 10:11 PM
Subject: [HCDX] В ответ на: Re: [WOR] A new Saudi network on Shortwave.

in 2020, I monitored the 9885 kHz frequency to hear Saudi radio programs in Uzbek, Tajik and Turkmen. And when I didn't hear the tajik-language program, I found a Saudi radio broadcasting service for East Turkestan on Twitter. All the news in that account was written only in Uyghur. There was no mention of broadcasting in Turkmen and Uzbek.. Also in past years, popular frequency databases indicated that the 9885 kHz frequency was broadcasting in Tajik, but I never heard this program because Tajik is similar to Farsi, and the program was in one of the Turkic Language.

Ivan Zelenyi

 вт, 28 мар. 2023 в 22:19<> написал(-а):
9885even ARS  Saudi R International in Uzbek lang, much low modulation
16-17 UT S=9+15 dB.

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