            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

And the race goes on!

The Democratic nomination is seemingly up for grabs even after returns from 22 
Super Tuesday states have come in. Who's in position to win the upcoming 
contests? And what role will "super delegates" play this election cycle? Tune 
in as NBC's David Gregory and Andrea Mitchell tell you where the race goes from 

As expected, McCain won the most states and delegates yesterday. Can Romney's 
deep pockets keep him in the game or is McCain's delegate lead now 
insurmountable? We'll bring you the latest from MSNBC's Pat Buchanan and the 
Politico's Jim VandeHei.

Then, Huckabee surprised many by scoring five southern state victories last 
night. Tonight we'll ask him about his plan to overtake McCain for the 

Plus, what skeleton came out of Huckabee's closet yesterday? And what's 
Romney's price tag for the Republican nomination?

We'll take a look at these stories and break down Super Tuesday's results in 
our Politics Fix.

For the latest on all of today's political news, go to the best political 
website www.politics.msnbc.com, powered by NBC News and the National Journal. 
And, don't forget to check out NBC's "First Read" and MSNBC.com's political 

Vidhya Murugesan compiled the "Hardball Briefing" from Washington, D.C.

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