            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Tonight: are Democrats divided?

As the party's nomination brawl stretches on, will Sen. Obama and Sen. 
Clinton's war-of-words do lasting damage to their candidacies? Could it end up 
costing Democrats the White House? Congress?

Amidst worries about a looming recession, all three presidential candidates 
addressed their plans to jumpstart the economy. Hardball's David Shuster will 
have the report and then we'll ask the experts to rate the candidates' pledges.

Next, Sen. McCain often touts his "maverick" credentials, but is McCain as free 
of lobbyist influences as he professes to be? We'll ask two longtime Washington 
reporters whether McCain will be vulnerable on this issue during the general 

Plus, which recent tabloid regular could have a future on NBC's "30 Rock?" And 
which former GOP rival is joining McCain on the stump?

We'll break down these stories and take a closer look at the Clinton fundraiser 
letter to Speaker Pelosi (D-CA) in our Politics Fix.

For the latest on all of today's political news, go to the best political 
website www.politics.msnbc.com, powered by NBC News and the National Journal. 
And, don't forget to check out NBC's "First Read" and MSNBC.com's political 

Vidhya Murugesan wrote the "Hardball Briefing" from Washington, D.C.

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