            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Gen. Petraeus goes to Washington: Round Two.

The top commander in Iraq warned lawmakers today against withdrawing U.S. 
troops too quickly, saying the improved security situation was both "fragile 
and reversible."

Tune in during the 7 pm edition of the show as we bring you live reaction from 
Sens. Jim Webb (D-VA), John Ensign (R-NV), Claire McCaskill (D-MO), and Mark 
Pryor (D-AR).

All three presidential candidates had an opportunity to question Gen. Petraeus 
and Amb. Crocker. Did Sen. McCain really confuse Shi'ite and Sunni again? Do 
Sens. Obama and Clinton differ in their withdrawal strategy? We'll break it all 
down for you tonight.

Then, new Pennsylvania polls show Sen. Clinton's lead in Pennsylvania 
shrinking. With just two weeks to go before the Keystone State's primary, is 
Sen. Obama closing the gap?

Plus, which '08 candidate is the last "American Idol" holdout? And how do 
"swing voters" feel about a timetable for withdrawal?

Tune in to the Politics Fix tonight for an in-depth look at these stories and 
the future of the Iraq war.

And, don't miss the next installment of Hardball's College Tour with Sen. John 
McCain at Villanova University on April 15th. It's only on Hardball, only on 

For the latest on all of today's political news, go to the best political 
website www.politics.msnbc.com, powered by NBC News and the National Journal. 
And, don't forget to check out NBC's "First Read" and MSNBC.com's political 

Vidhya Murugesan wrote the "Hardball Briefing" from Washington, D.C.

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