            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

The reviews are in!

Last night Sens. Obama and McCain squared off in their second debate in 
Nashville, TN. With just 27 days to go, which candidate has the edge? Who took 
the lead on the economic crisis? On Iraq? Healthcare? We'll get the recap from 
the National Journal's Ron Brownstein and the New York Times's John Harwood.

For more on last night's debate: 

And for the break down from NBC News's political unit: 

Plus, don't miss a special "Truth Squad" report from Hardball's David Shuster 
later on in the show. He'll pick through the candidates' statements to find out 
what's spin and what's truth. And while there were no knock-out blows last 
night, both Obama and McCain brought their fight to the debate stage. We'll 
bring in MSNBC's Tucker Carlson and Salon's Joan Walsh to rate their 

How did voters react to the debate? Check out last night's insta-polls: 

Next - today the Federal Reserve and six other world banks made an 
unprecedented move by slashing interest rates to stave off a worldwide 
financial collapse. Will the markets respond? 

For the latest on the economic crisis: 

Amidst the financial woes, we learned that employees at AIG - a company that 
took an $85 billion bailout from the government - ran up a $440,000 tab at a 
California spa just last week: 

Yesterday, the House Oversight Committee took AIG's leadership to task. We'll 
bring you all the highlights and talk 2008 politics tonight with two members of 
that Committee - Reps. Chris Shays (R-CT) and Elijah Cummings (R-MD). You won't 
want to miss this!

Plus, Sen. McCain's golden oldie "Bomb bomb Iran" found new life at the debate 
last night. That's on the Hardball Sideshow.

Both Presidential tickets came out swinging on the campaign trail today. Has 
Obama taken the lead on the economic issues? Will the McCain campaign try to 
narrow the gap using character attacks? We'll take a look at these topics with 
the Politico's Jim VandeHei and the Newsweek's Howard Fineman .

For the latest on all of today's political news, go to the best political 
website www.politics.msnbc.com, powered by NBC News and the National Journal. 
And, don't forget to check out NBC's "First Read" and MSNBC.com's Hardblogger.

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