Oops! Oh well, a wiki has already been done. Sorry Dave. -- IV

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: VistA Community Documentation Wiki (was) Greetings Hardhats --
Date: Thu, 03 Mar 2005 12:31:05 -0500
From: Joseph Dal Molin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: hardhats-members@lists.sourceforge.net
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Here is some fire for the thread David:

Dave Whitten (thanks David!) has been working on setting up a wiki
linked to the WorldVistA sourceforge code repository. It has been up
and running for a while in test mode. It is clearly a good time to
enlist more hands to help with its birth. From a community perspective
It would make the most sense to "integrate" the documentation with the
code....so suggestions and volunteers to modify the sourceforge pages to
provide "one stop shopping" will be most welcome. The worldvista.org
and hardhats.org sites can then be updated with the appropriate links

We can start by adding Kevin's work to improve the installation
documentation.....Nancy you've got some stuff that's in draft I think
that could be added too.

At this point anyone can create an account and there are no restrictions
on editing....if this proves to be too liberal we can change the
permissions etc. The URL....which will be simplified is:


It would be ideal if two people would volunteer to coordinate and manage
the documentation wiki...and here is a challenge....it would be great to
have at least the current body of documentation loaded into the Wiki in
time for the Boston meeting.



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