Thanks for the run down.  I am creating the acculturation CD that bhaskar recommended.  Sounds like quite a different culture to adopt.  Must have been fun to map the Kernel to this platform....  ;-) ;-)

Jim Self wrote:
Greg Kreis wrote:
I can understand that the Volume concept is handled by the idea of a 
path in Linux, right?]

It's been more than 20 years since I worked on DSM, so their concept of UCI (User Class
Identifier) and volume sets is not very fresh in my mind. Still, I am pretty sure the
answer is no.

Hmm... Are the globals just Linux files?

No, again. Globals are stored in special data files with .dat extention. The default
installations put all globals into a single mumps.dat file but in production systems you
would generally break out large globals into separate files, like patients.dat and
mail.dat, or groups several related medium sized globals together in one file. The
different .dat files can have different ownership and permissions settings and different
settings for journalling as well so some could be configured read only for most users or
optimized for use as temporary scratch space, etc.

If so, 
wouldn't the directory take the place of the UCI?

A globals directory is actually a special file (mumps.gld, by default) that describes a
set of .dat files and how globals will be mapped to them.

But I guess the next 
question is how is this exposed inside GT.M?

The current global directory is held in the variable $zgbldir and the current routine
mapping is in $zroutines. You can NEW these variables and SET them to different values to
temporarily reference a different mapping of globals and/or routines. They are initialized
with the environment variables gtmgbldir and gtmroutines.

I think I recall that you can also reference a global directory explicitly via extended
global syntax (i.e. ^[gbldir]gloname), but I haven't had occasion to use that in a very
long time.

Jim Self
Systems Architect, Lead Developer
VMTH Computer Services, UC Davis

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