Well, riddle me this...... and I just didn't fall off the turnip truck.

Several board members of WorldVista also have a commercial interest in the 
success of VistA, along with a few outside commercial vendors who have the 
dough to throw at this immense project.

How many code bases are there now?  FOIA, HUI, WorldVistA, OpenVistA?  From 
where I sit Medsphere with it's hired talent and marketing power has a leg 

1.  WorldVista is the organization - OpenVista is the codebase. (T/F)
2.  What specific 'open source' license(s) are being considered for 
3.  What boundaries in the fine print of the GPL are of concern to the 
WorldVista organization?

The boundaries that separate what's yours from what's ours would be similar to 
genetically modified corn or cotton seeds being carried by natural or other 
means from your field into my field.  I imagine the concept will have to be 
similar to proprietary binary modules plugged into the Linux kernel, or 
binary only distribution of commercial components.

Anyway you look at it, your's vs. our's does not foster broad community 
support,  involvement and innovation.  Look to the Apache project, PHP and 
the Linux kernel of models that have succeeded in this regard.

Like I have seen on a signature on Linux Today.... one must first understand 
recursion to understand recursion. 

On Saturday 23 April 2005 15:56, Maury Pepper wrote:
> Yes, the line must have been staticky. WorldVistA will definitely be
> putting an open source license on OpenVistA.  Which license it will be is
> under discussion. GPL has both fans and critics, and in the fine print,
> it's not exactly clear where the boundaries are that separate what's yours
> from what's ours when it comes to packages bundled like VistA, written in
> code like M[UMPS].
> Kevin's comment is correct, and that is why it's important to pick a
> license that will allow add-ons that are clearly distinct from VistA.  That
> said, we also want a license that will foster a strong central repository
> -- not a fragmented one.
> A reminder: comments regarding this topic are welcome on the discussion
> list vista-open-source: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/vista-open-source
Mark Street, RHCE
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