
Had you been in Boston to see the progress and results we saw in the very short period of time that the experts worked on this solution you would probably have a different opinion...CPRS working under WINE will be a viable option, it just needs a bit more work. VMware while an alternative is expensive and more complex.


Todd Berman wrote:
On Wed, 2005-07-27 at 13:02 -0400, Nancy Anthracite wrote:

1.0,23.15 did not get fully debugged and until there is funding for the Crossover Office folks to continue their work, things are on hold. CPRS had to be modified to allow what was done to be done, and therefore both a newer CPRS and one which is unmodified working with Wine is what we would be shooting for, a bigger job than what was done in Boston.

Again, not to be negative, but why? Crossover Office is a commercial
product, and Wine itself is notoriously hard to install properly. Most
distro packages of Wine are 1) old and 2) misconfigured (according to a
couple of friends who work at Codeweavers). Specifically I have heard
that the debian packages are very difficult and not easy to use.

I think attempting to get CPRS to run under Wine and/or cxoffice (Yes, I
know they are based on the same product, but cxoffice seems to get the
COM fixes before Wine gets them, and that will be a huge stumbling block
on CPRS running under a windows emulator on linux).

Not to mention that Wine doesn't work outside of Linux + x86. You can't
run it on Linux + PPC, and I believe it doesn't work at all well on
other OSs like FreeBSD, etc.

The amount of time/energy put into making CPRS run on linux through
these methods seems like stop-energy to me.


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