Apologies if I mentioned this before, but have you looked over the docs for VistA's Master Patient Index (MPI)?


The MPI is similar to what it looks like you are trying to accomplish - it might you give ideas/insight. I believe the MPI deals only with patient demographics, but it does synchronization of databases and does use it's own patient identifier, they call an ICN. A new patient is given a local ICN, used until the site updates the MPI when the site is given a national ICN for the patient(s).

On Dec 28, 2005, at 9:04 AM, Kevin Toppenberg wrote:

I have written about about synchronizing two databases on and off over the last 6 months or so. I have some new thoughts that I would like comment on.

First, some context. We have two offices linked by a slow vpn with high latency times (high round-trip time for pings) which makes using CPRS at the remote site a chore. The idea of synchronization was to allow the user to add the data to the local database, but then to have the changes propigated to the remote database.

The fundamental problem, as I see it, it a problem of record numbers, or IEN. For example if the two databases are identical at the beginning, and Dr. X's note it put into database A, and Dr. Y's note is put into database B, then these could potentially have the same (conflicting) IEN in the file. Then, with synchronization, one note would clobber the other.

But it seems that this problem should be easy to overcome. Each database could simply hold a translation table of IEN's. For example, imaging the following synchronization process. I'll use the terms dbA and dbB to refer to database's A &B

1. dbA says to dbB, lets synchronize
2. dbB says, I have a record in file 8925, IEN=1234
3. dbA uses translation lookup table for 8925 and finds no record of IEN=1234, so says, send it to me. 4. dbB sends the record, and dbA adds it to file 8925, with a different IEN, 6789
5. dbA puts in lookup table: dbB-1234=dbA-6789
6. Furthermore, as dbA is adding record 1234, it notes that the record contains pointers to other files, so it looks up each reference and translates the IEN to the local IEN number. And if the record is missing, it requests it from the server (repeating this process).

Does this process seem reasonable?
The fundamental principle here is that the database entries are the final repository for all of VistA's information. This could possibly be incorrect. For example, some packages are designed so that data can only put into the database through their code. This is achieved, I believe, through secretly defined variables and input screens etc. Also, I have run into problems in the past with adding records, when field Y fails unless field X has already been added. (I think I can overcome this problem with repeated calls to the filing process, because each failed attempt seems to be partly successful, and puts in a little bit more into the record)

Any thoughts?


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