I would beg to disagree with you. Perhaps I would not disagree with you if you had said, "Most experienced developers could pick up MOST OF those technologies quickly enough." I might not disagree. I have been programming for 37 years and I do not know what a lot of those technologies are, so I do not know how easy or difficult they would be to pick up. I also do not know how skilled they expect people to be to qualify as having the skill. If having Adobe Photoshop as a skill merely means being able to open the program, open a jpeg image, apply some goofy filter to the image, and resave the image as a jpeg again then I would agree that most developers could do that fairly quickly. However, I would really say that being good with Photoshop is not something you can pick up quickly. It really requires a different skill set than most developers have already mastered. Quark Express is also a different ball of wax. Without breaking my arm I can say that I am pretty good with Photoshop. I have tried to use Quark Express's closest competitor Adobe InDesign and have not figured it out yet. I will bet they expect the contractor to put out that first montly newsletter using Quark Express.
Jim Gray

----- Original Message ----- From: "Greg Woodhouse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 4:51 PM
Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Fw: Mumps / Vista Programmer contract opportunity

--- Kevin Toppenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

LOL!!  I can't believe it.  I was just about to write in the same
thing... and add that I thought that I, as a physician, had to learn
alot to practice MY trade!


You have heard the phrase "fully buzzword compliant", haven't you?

Actually, it's not really that bad. Most experienced developers coule
pick up those technologies quickly enough. The problem is that, as an
industry, we've become too technology-centric. In my opinion, we'd be
better off looking for people with a good solid understanding of
computer engineering, and a willingness to continue to develop their
skills. Trying to find candidates with exactly the skill set you
want/need is a kind of instant gratification, and one that I think
ultimately proves detrimental when you start passing up talented people
who could actually contribute more to your organization in the long
run. To be blunt about it: Anyone can learn MUMPS, SQL, Java, C, or
what have you, but not just anyone will have the talent, discipline,
insight and, yes, creativity it takes to be a first class developer.

Gregory Woodhouse  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as
being self-evident."
--Arthur Schopenhauer

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