I dont think that's correct.  I think once you tell KIDS that you want to 
export data, it forces you to a full DD export.

At 03:11 PM 6/20/2006, Steven wrote:
>Using the KIDS, the best that you can do is export a partial DD.  Select a 
>field to be updated that would do no harm to the target system.  Then you 
>can use the data screen on the second page to export the entries that you 
>wish.  When many have to do this they normally select the .01 field of the 
>file to export the DD definition.
>On 6/20/06, Greg Woodhouse 
>--- "Hay, James (DHS-CMS)" <<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is this on the second screen in Kids? If so, aren't I stuck with aa
> > full
> > or partial DD export?
> >
>I'm afraid I don't really have time to look into this right now. Is the
>problem not being able to export a single record, or is it that you are
>concerned about potential DD updates? In the latter case, you might
>consider using the Fileman export tool. It handles subfiles by
>flattening out the file using a hierarchical key, and that ought to
>work just fine with file 5.

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