At 08:24 PM 7/6/2005, Winterlight typed:
The only way the media industry are going to come out of this, is to change their thinking, and come up with new ways to market old products.

There was a little local coffee shop that use to play audio CDs that she had purchased when a RIAA representative counted all the chairs while I was there & told the owner that she would have to pay $XXX.00 weekly to continue to playing the cds publicly in her coffee shop. She commented that it wasn't publicly since it was her little coffee shop & that the price they commanded would bankrupt her. She immediately stopped playing the cds that she had purchased & stopped buying cds entirely. From then on she only played the radio. Many of her clients had heard her cds & had gone out to buy their own copies but the RIAA representative didn't care about that when she brought up that fact. She complained that the price they wanted was more expensive than if she had bought each chair a cd. We all know that not every chair was filled from opening to close as well but I doubt the RIAA representative took that into effect either.

It's strong arm tactics like these that many people see that give them the feeling that it's ok to steal something from these guys. Believe me the coffee shop owner told everyone why she was no longer playing audio cds any more & then she had a sign made up that anyone could read as to why & there was nothing the RIAA could do about her putting that sign up in her shop because it was 100% the truth.

   Wayne D. Johnson
Ashland, OH, USA 44805

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