Is anyone playing Unreal Tournament 2004?

Just started, got it up and running but there's a sound glitch that's
bugging me.

Weapons sounds are way too quiet.  I diddled with the volume controls
and the announcer is fine, even louder than needed, but the weapons
are a lot quieter.  And it's the best I can get with the settings. 
I've upgraded to the most recent (unsupported by Atari) patch and
there's no difference.

I'm still running an old Hercules Game Theatre XP.  I'm one revision
behind on that, although it doesn't seem like that would matter as
every other sound is fine.

Any ideas?


PS:  I don't think this went through when I tried a couple of days
ago.  Hate to think that the previous email title might have gotten it
eliminated as spam....

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