On Thu, 2006-03-16 at 16:37 -0400, Thane Sherrington (S) wrote:
> At 02:54 PM 16/03/2006, Harry McGregor wrote:
> >I think I am probably the most qualified to comment on this out of the
> >group...  I work with the University of Arizona, but I am detached and
> >support a group of U. S. Geological Survey researchers.
> Thanks for all this info - this is exactly what I was looking 
> for.  This customer wants a laptop to do basic GIS in the field (most 
> of the work will be done on his desktop.)  I was thinking a Core Duo 
> T2300 1.66GHz processor and 1GB of RAM.  The only downside is that 
> the ones I've seen are all Intel 950 integrated video.  Is that going 
> to be usable?

The Intel video will be perfectly usable.  If the person has good eyes,
look to get the highest resolution you can.  We have been going with
1600x1200 on our IBM laptops lately, but our vendor option has just
changed, and we can't use IBM now.

We had mostly gone 1GB on laptops due to price, and IBM being brain
dead.  They know that our credit card purchase limit is $2499.99, yet
they priced laptop configs at $2568 and other things like that.


> T 

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