More great info, thanks Tharin! My kids are older, and I think X-Box 360 will be the way to go.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Tharin Olsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2007 1:46 PM
Subject: Re: [H] X-Box 360 questions...

Do you like a certain genre of games? How old are the kids?? I would assume they have an inclination about what console they would want, given what they've likely seen at the store or Johnny's house down the street. If you haven't yet; go into a place like Gamestop, Game Crazy, Electronics Boutique, etc to see what the consoles are like. There is some backwards compatability with previous gen consoles. Do you already have an older console?

Console pricing is supposed to be fixed, but I have seen lower pricing for "bundles". Ebay, Craigs List, classified ads, etc. can be a free for all.

The Microsoft Xbox360 probably has most of "the best" as well as the largest selection of titles. Sony's Playstation3 is just getting there but it has some outstanding games available now. The Xbox360 is edged out by the PS3 when it comes to the raw capability of the hardware. Of course that doesn't mean much when you can't get any good games and the competition has more of the better games.

I bought a Nintendo Wii on its release date and I think it is excellent. It's price compared to what other consoles were going for at their inception was a definite plus. The controls are very different from what previous consoles have been using since they have gyroscopic sensors that are sensitive to motion. Most Wii titles implement this physical element of interaction in some manner. The games on Wii probably have the widest range of appeal for people of any age. The Wii's graphics and processing power is not near what the Xbox360 and PS3 have to offer though. Owning a Wii is probably close to being something like a Mac user. Making something fast and powerful isn't so tough since computers will always be moving in that direction, but I've been totally captured by the different approach to gaming Nintendo has taken with the Wii. I now have to fight with my girlfriend over who can play video games, where as before she just used to watch. The Wii can draw in an audience
that wasn't being reached before.

This link does a good comparison job on showing some of the facts about the Wii, Xbox360, and PS3.

Personally I would choose the Xbox360 over the PS3, but mainly because theres some whizbang on the PS3 that wouldn't do me any good and it would put the bigger hurt on my pocketbook.

-Tharin O.

Christopher Fisk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On Thu, 29 Nov 2007, Veech wrote:

I'm researching getting the kids an XBox 360 for Christmas. Is the XBox 360 Premium worth the extra bucks? Any pros or cons to XBox vs other platforms such as PlayStation 2? They want Guitar Hero, is XBox the best - or only -
platform to buy for this game?

Finally, is there a way to get any deals or is it price-locked?

Thanks for any info...

Guitar Hero 3 is available for PS2, PS3, Wii and XBox360.  Go with
whichever one offers the other features you want.

Christopher Fisk
 Bart Simpson on chalkboard in episode AABF21

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