Totally missed that little checkbox in Process Explorer :)


Brian Weeden
Technical Consultant
Secure World Foundation

On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 8:00 PM, j maccraw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I thought Process Explorer has multi-core monitoring?
> At least it looks like it does based on the image from
> the V11.11 home page:
> Brian Weeden wrote:
> > Just finished putting together my first multi-core
> system (went with a
> > Q6600) and I was wondering what people have found
> for multi-core CPU
> > monitoring tools.  I have been using process
> explorer and process lasso
> > which I really like but they seem to only show one
> core utilization.
> > Ideally, I'm looking for something that gives as
> good of info as either of
> > those and for all 4 cores.
> >
> > Also, does XP do all the core management for me
> automatically?  I have been
> > multitasking and noticed that everything runs very,
> very well like I would
> > expect it to.  Is there a way to specify which core
> an app will run on or
> > would you have to move to an OS like Unix/Linux for
> that?
> >
> > ----
> > Brian
> >
> >
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