The UAC popups should die down after a week or two of use -- at least that's what I am led to believe.

Scott Sipe wrote:

Just picked up a sale dell (q6600) that is going to be doing some HTPC duty, and I would like to add a decent soundcard which can do 5.1/7.1 digital out to my receiver. Any suggestions for a decent card that would be an upgrade over the integrated audio? I don't care TOO much about uber-quality or audiophile stuff :)

Also as an aside, the dell has Vista home premium--my first experience with Vista. Can't say I'm terribly impressed (shocking, I know). Those authorization popups really do get tiresome but so far my biggest complaint is that I'm having a lot of trouble finding stuff in the control panel! Likewise, for a quadcore w/2gb ram, doing my initial uninstall of dell crap and install of firefox, itunes, etc, sure to seemed to drag at times.

Hope I don't regret getting Vista!!


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