thanks, after some more homework I do not think I will have a problem, not 
running the suspect sw and will be a clean install.

I hope the sp does not change.

At 03:55 PM 4/29/2008, Bill Cohane Poked the stick with:
>At 17:52 04/29/08, FORC5 wrote:
>>looking for the dl at MS and can only find sp3 overview.
>>anyone have a link ? and is tt final. Want to dl it separate for streaming. 
>>When I goto live update they want to install the new wga and I say no.
>>on a side note what was the dll causing the reboots ? I need more memory 8-)
>I downloaded SP3 this morning from Microsoft at
>I just checked and this link still works. (If this link gets broken, please 
>recombine it.)
>I don't know if it's the final final.

Tallyho ! ]:8)
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It doesn't help to curse the darkness.

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