Well, yes. And from cryptic comments you have made over the years, I even can see your location on map quest. For me, that is close enough. I have been thru that part of the country and understand some of why you are there.
At 13:10 09/22/2008 -0700, you wrote:
Well far from perfect since it's a national ISP. Verizon lists mine as Seattle which is 500mi+ away...

DHSinclair wrote:
Well, Damn, J.,
I knew you would be the one to get closest. You old bandit!
(I will have to put tin foil on the shopping list!!!!!)
Really close, but I'm still in the weeds................. LOL!
And, there are members that even have the street address too!
AS this thread started with "house pics", I still feel clandestine.
At 12:48 09/22/2008 -0700, you wrote:

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