A while back I was running into a similar issue with svchost taking up a lot
of CPU resources and it turned out to be a bug in windows update (a race
condition I think).

>From what I can gather, svchost is involved in a lot of network stack
operations so you might want to use a tool like Wireshark to see if the CPU
spike corresponds to network activity.

Brian Weeden
Technical Consultant
Secure World Foundation <http://www.secureworldfoundtion.org>
+1 (514) 466-2756 Canada
+1 (202) 683-8534 US

On Sat, Nov 22, 2008 at 2:31 PM, Bobby Heid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hey again,
> I am running Vista Business SP1 and for the past couple (could be longer)
> of
> months now have been having an intermittent issue with one of the svchost
> processes on my system.
> What is happening is that my CPU jumps to about 48% utilization (I have HT
> turned on, so it is probably really near 100%) for a period of time lasting
> minutes to over ½ hour.  Process explorer points out the svchost process
> that hosts the DCOM Server Process Launcher (DCOMLaunch) and Plug and Play
> (PlugPlay) processes.  When looking at the threads in the svchost process,
> there are usually two threads using all of the CPU, they are both
> ntdll.dll!UserThreadStart.
> In doing some research last night, I came across three threads that talk
> about this issue:
> 1)      A thread that seems to have something to do with the sound devices
> and an enhancements tab on the configuration where you can turn off
> enhancements.  But others in the thread, and myself, do not have the
> enhancements tab.
> 2)      A thread that talks about HP printer software, which I have, but
> nothing seems to point at this software.
> 3)      A thread talking about VMware virtual network adapters.  Someone
> stated this: "I figured out what the problem is: VMware virtual network
> adaptors. The problem disappeared after disabling both of the virtual
> adaptors."  I am running VMware.  While the high CPU usage was occurring
> last night, I went everywhere I could think of and disabled VMware network
> stuff, but nothing seemed to help.
> Has anyone run up against this and solved it?  Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Bobby

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