If anyone recalls I posted a link to a couple 4 port embedded mini-pc's a few 
weeks back. I loaded ClarkConnect v5 on one and smoothwall on the other. They 
didn't come with power bricks but I had one that was spec'd right and ordered 
another from geeks.com for $13.

I just switched out my DDWRT WRT150N router with the little clarkconnect box 
and I have to say I'm very impressed so far. It's a 600MHz Pentium-M celeron 
box with 1GB ram. I've got content filtering running, extensive firewall, IDS 
system, HTTP server, Quake 3 server, and torrent server running. I've played 
around with a VOIP wondershaping script, QOS, etc.

My speedtests at multiple sites jumped from download of 3900 KB/s to 8834.9 KB/s
Upload speed went from 220 kbps to 570 kbps

I'm amazed that there could be such a huge difference. I haven't had time to 
test the smoothwall box as much, but I prefer its various plugins to the more 
limited firewall/NIDS capabilities of the clarkconnect box. Maybe I'll get 
motivated at some later time to write a small review, hehe


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