No problem about delayed reply.
I try to make my replies so "almost" nothing is uncovered and then forget about 
On lots of other lists/Groups, they fly off into etherspace never to be heard 
or acknowledged, again. (Thanks for the Thanks.)

I only use IE when going to MS.
They often REQUIRE IT, as a "price of admission"...
Even their Partner sites will allow FF in most cases.
On those other times when I'm lazy,
I surf away with FF never to darken that doorway again... <VBG>

FF works just about ANYPLACE I go that is significant to me.
That includes banking and everything non-MS...

When I have (or have had) a firewall that was settable on a program specific 
I always banned WMP from the Internet. Only because I never used it for anything
where it "needed" to phone home for any info or for spying...
I guess my NIS2010 lets it do anything it wants, but why Norton would trust MS
(if they do) is anybodies guess... (Tin-hat time...)

I hope I stayed relevant to your question...

Rick Glazier

From: "DSinc"
Apologize for the lateness on this reply. I've been focused on future medical plan choices (retired)!

In any case, I do understand what you shared. I use IE8 ONLY for critical banking stuff; just because my connectoid still has some issues with FF that I just do not choose to fight about with them (and/or tweak my PC to SEE if I can make FF work).

For WMP, the only time I use it is for full-screen views of video/audio streams from I do my audio (music) via other means.
Think I will finally (!) let XP update WMP from 9 to 11 and just truck on!

Rick Glazier wrote:
Have it, don't actually USE it. If it is technically "embedded", it
should be kept up to date, just like IE8. (Which I seldom use too.)

It, (and MS-IE8) give me too many Cookies I need to approve manually.
Nothing else I use (too many to list) requires manual hand holding like that.

In fairness to MS, I never tried to "fix" that behavior.

Rick Glazier

From: "DSinc"
I use WMP9. OS is XPpro SP3.

Getting lots of pop-ups to update to WMP11.

Opinions sought about WMP11?

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