One major disadvantage, you can't use TRIM on the drives and I'm
guessing the raid will increase latency a bit.


On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 9:18 AM, Greg Sevart <> wrote:
> Yes. When I was weighing getting one 160GB G2 vs two 80GBs and stripe them,
> I opted for the later since the price was nearly the same. I don't really
> think it gets me that much better real world performance, but it does help
> on sequential writes, which is one area the Intel SSDs are a bit weak. There
> is an increased chance of data loss, but I back up my machine nightly, so I
> don't worry too much about that either.
> The greatest thing, however, is that in a couple years when it's time to
> move on to a newer, faster, bigger SSD, I can upgrade two other systems
> instead of just one. That was the biggest reason behind it.
> Greg

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