On 1/29/10 8:50 AM, Joe User wrote:
> Hello Harry,
> Thursday, January 28, 2010, 9:22:00 PM, you wrote:
>> Boot up something like dban and do a quick wipe of the drive, even the
>> first little bit of the drive should be enough.
>> The machine is really trying to boot the hard drive, and is having issues.
> dban is not working either. finished with non fatal errors and it
> doesn't appear to have done anything. somethings seriously wrong here.

What version of dban did you try? Preview release 2.0?

If that does not work, boot up a linux live cd (ubuntu, etc), find the
hard drive, and run DD on it,

fdisk -l should help you find the drive

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX bs=1M count=100

should be enough.


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