Was it a standard install on the first partition of the first HD?
Note mine are "enhanced" single boot...
It lets me use this as *another* Windows boot menu (of sorts).
They seem to be almost the same unless you got real fancy with the install.

If you want mine, I'll send it to you now: Copy and paste _between_ the lines,
note it has a trailing blank line. (I think it needs it...) (Don't copy the 
dotted line.)
[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" 
/noexecute=optin /fastdetect
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Safe Mode XP-ProSP3" 
/safeboot:minimal /sos /bootlog

I would use a "Live CD" of any kind to drop the file in the root of what would be 
"C" in a normal boot.
I like BartPE CD, but any flavor of Linux would work as well.
If you have more HDs with no OSs on them they can be ignored in the above file.

Rick Glazier

"DSinc" - Killed an Old Machine!<<<<<<< (Not if that is all you did...)

Should I be stupid enough to DELETE a 'boot.ini' file on an XPpro machine,......
...do I have a chance of getting this machine back?

Can I use a Repair Install to fix this stupid USER error?

This is not cardiac arrest.
This is a very old and "dying" machine I forced to WinXP.
This is an Asus CUBX m/b (512MB).
This is an Intel P-3 800Mhz machine.
This is a machine that has been flakey for about 6 months!
This is a machine that does not like to 'Shut Down.'

I can totally loose all of the DATA on this machine! I backed this machine up 2 days ago using my M$ backup logic.

Opinions welcome.
Viking Funeral is in the plan.......
(I get a Lian-Li case for a new toy!)

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