I totally lost you. Sorry. (I'll try to be more clear.)
I edited the quoting (slightly), to leave the original question.

I (personally and locally) flashed a couple Seagate HDs with-in the last year
that the Seagate WEB site *model and serial number look-up* thing/program
said required an OFFICIAL SEAGATE HD firmware patch/upgrade.


I'm bringing it up now as I was TOTALLY surprised a *certain* one of my
drives needed the patch.
I was NOT expecting that drive, AND the one I was most worried about
shipped with the patch (new firmware version) installed...
It would be wise for everyone to use the "checker" thing to see if their drives
are in the "old firmware" group.

There was NOTHING wrong with MY drives, then or now.
This is a "flash in advance", or "brick your drive" scenario.
And yes, some drives with *bad* firmware may never trigger the bug.
Such is the randon nature of computers... <grin>

More info: (The other side of the coin.)
With no patch installed:
Anyone that had ALREADY bricked their drive needed to send it in to 
IF it was the *firmware bug*, there would be no DATA loss.
My definition of "bricked drive" in this case would be one totally inaccessible.

I assume IF you had any other "normal" early hard drive failures,
you were screwed, same as always... (Other than a free blank replacement.)

This sounded like the same problem, but AFTER a drive was NOT patched,
AND had already bricked itself.
I brought it up in case anyone had not heard of the bug, or the patch/(new 

Note that Seagate stonewalled this at first,
and then begrudgingly posted the firmware patches.
Firmware patching  was something they had *always* said was "too dangerous"
to do locally.

HTH,  Rick Glazier

From: "Tim Lider"
Hello Rick,

I am not sure if we can repair those.  Although, I'm willing to give it a
try and see.

There is a few fixes to the Seagate F3 HD's I do on a daily basis. I'm not
sure if the fix will fix that problem.  Clients do not tell us they Bricked
the drive, LOL.

On Behalf Of Rick Glazier
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 6:18 AM
To: hardware@hardwaregroup.com
Subject: Re: [H] Seagate 7200.11 BSY error & fix

I have a quick question (I hope).

I used the "drive and serial number" checking stuff at the Seagate site
a while back, (06-12-09) and found a couple drives that needed their
firmware upgraded manually BY ME, done locally, AND in ADVANCE of
problems with NEW firmware provided by the Seagate site for my SPECIFIC

This was a proactive step to prevent the drive bricking itself.

Is this the same problem, but a manual repair to "un-brick"
a drive that was never firmware updated?
Sure sounds the same...

Thanks in advance.   Rick Glazier

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