That should be plenty for a media server, although I would probably put an 
gigabit nic since I have a few of those sitting. I have a ReadyNAS NV+ that 
streams to 3 rooms and holds network shares for each user also. My backup 
for stuff I don't need as often is a cheap 2U rackmount system I picked up for 
$50 on ebay. I started with 2 gigs of ram and dropped to 1 after not noticing 
any difference. I've got a pentium-d cpu in it and 4 external removable sata 
bays. I'm running FreeNAS on it and also did some manual tweaking to get a 
quake3 server and a few other goodies running on it. I've done file transfers 
nonstop for up to 2 days (backing up movies/TV shows on the other server and 
used it at the same time for gaming and streaming just to see if I could lock 


From: Joshua MacCraw <>
Sent: Wed, August 11, 2010 12:49:52 PM
Subject: [H] DIY JOBD NAS/Mediaserver

How much horsepower do you figure is needed to serve up a few (4 max likely) 
video streams of data? Looking at resurrecting my old A7N8X PC as a linux 
NAS/mediaserver to serve up media files (MKV, VOB, MP3, FLAC) over my wired 

It has the XP-M CPU overclocked (3200?), 1GB RAM, & dual 100Mb Ethernet. It 
seems a shame to let it collect dust and NAS/media server solutions seem to be 
so expensive!

I won't be doing transcoding but might want to be able to transmux for the PS3 
which may or may not be aided by the ATI X850 in the box. There's only 2 SATA 
ports but I'm thinking I can easily get an inexpensive card, RAID or not, to 
support 3-6 drives I'll move over from my workstation.

2 services come to mind: SAMBA & some DNLA server like PS3MediaServer, 
or Myth. Assume I can run all that under Ubuntu or something with this low end 
hardware? Cheap 8 bay case, 350-500W PSU, RAID card, maybe 2GB DDR RAM still 
to be way cheaper than a media server, no?

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