And your point is............................ ?

On 03/18/2013 19:10, Christopher Fisk wrote:
You know a list is old when you joined in '98 and the majority of people on
the list consider you a new member =)
On Mar 18, 2013 7:08 PM, "Jeff Lane" <> wrote:

That pretty well sums it up, Duncan. Being that this list is not moderated
it is the most civil one I have ever been on, which, certainly, is a credit
to our members. I hope we can keep it together. Even though I am primarily
just a lurker, I do read everything the comes through the

Hey Jeff,
A bunch of us 'oldsters' are still alive and bitchin' on this
"HardwareGroup" list. I could be blocked by many, but, I continue to
sharewith those that respond.
Thanks for your service!

On 03/18/2013 18:50, Jeff Lane wrote:
I haven't either, but would be willing to. This is the best bunch of
folks that I have on all my tech lists and sure wouldn't want to break
it up. As an aside, though, I certainly hope Jim is ok. Being a Korean
vet I am all too familiar with silence in a

I have not donated anything in the past, but will be more than happy
to contribute now.


At 06:16 PM 3/18/2013, DSinc wrote:
Yes, Me too! According to my schedule from waaaaaay back, I am now
awhole lot in the 'non-payment' list!  Still willing to fund this

On 03/18/2013 18:02, FORC5 wrote:
In the past I have made donations to the list but has been a long time.
Willing to donate.

At 01:46 PM 3/18/2013, Bryan Seiz Poked the stick with:

    Has anyone seen or heard from Jim lately ?  Does anyone know who
pays for and runs the list ?  The domain is set to expire at the
end of this year, any info would be appreciated.
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." (Benjamin
Franklin, 1755)

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