To start with, Welcome back to nVivia. Yes, it is a sota mine-field. But, nVidia always was.............. :) I can not speak for nVidia offering HDMI sound, but, if your nVidia card says it offers HDMI Sound, then nVidia will send/include whatever to make their logic work. Now, the logic may not work to your acceptance, but
they will at least 'turn the chips ON.'
/Physics/ appears to be a helper app that makes sure that the things YOUSEE during game play look correct,
I raised a question about another 'bloatware' nVidia part. Sorry, I can not recall its' name.
Comments from our List told me to NOT allow it to install,
mainly because it was very HDW intensive. I did not, and live happy with my 'old' video cards. I will share this: nVidia now seems to using their new driver offerings to EOL/remove their old video cards that are still in use happily by users. I have hit this fence twice now. On 01-09-2014 nVidia popped up and asked meabout dl'g their newest driver package (v322.21). I tried it. It failed telling me my nvidia 5900GT was 'too old.' Fine! I get it. Buy a new video card, or, continue on with the old driver (v320.49). So..............I continue on!
I use:
nVidia v320.49 and v322.21.

On 02/25/2014 13:59, Winterlight wrote:
What is the deal with Nvidia drivers. I have been a Radeon user for a couple of decades, but on my new build I decided to use a EVGA Geforce 660. When I first installed from the DVD I got a whole range of drivers and software which I figured was similar to ATI catalyst. I had HDMI audio drivers, Physics? a program that installed and updated drivers automatically without a reboot and something called Shadow play.

Of course one day it updated drivers and I lost my HDMI sound. Then I tried fixing it... but it isn't simple like say a single Caytalist program. So I finally gave up and removed everything Nvidia, one at a time... no simple remove all drivers and program software like ATI has... and installed the straight video driver... but I still have no HDMI sound.

It would be easier to solve my problem if I knew how all this was suppose to work?

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