I too, was on the WP platform. Lumia 920 VZW. Loved it but just never had the apps I needed or wanted for other devices - Cameras, gadgets, etc. It's to bad because I really liked everything else.

So I went with the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge. this doesn't blow up or melt down. The Non-edge model is nice as well but the deal they offered me made sense to take the edge. I like it a lot. Nice to have app freedom. As for the edge, the main thing I like about it is the 'Apps Edge' it's a little tab that you can swing out & holds a bunch of different things from frequently used tasks, contacts, & apps (which I use the most). There are also things like a compass, news & sports things, etc. I hadn't been a fan of Samsung for years (their monitor class action really soured me - I was compensated but nothing like we should have been) but I couldn't deny the researching I had done on phones. I would have went for a more pure Google phone but with VZW or now, AT&T - it wasn't an option. This phone is water proof/resistant & durable. Has 64 on board and u can expand it with a 128GB card (last I knew, could be more now). Updates always go well. No slow downs on videos, games, etc. I have no regrets with this phone. However, I am very cautious with apps. If it's not well reviewed by 1K+ reviewers & been out awhile - I look for something else. I bet there are a thousand apps that do the same thing one way or another. Coming from the WP it's like fresh air.

On 12/11/2016 12:22 PM, Winterlight wrote:
I have been a Windows Phone user for many years. I really liked the
interface, but unfortunately the lack of apps that I need compel me to
move on. 18 months ago my business needs forced me to use an Android
phone. So for the last year and a half I have been using  a Lumia 1520
for personal use, and a Motorolla G 2nd generation for business. Once my
Lumia was upgraded to Win10 a lot of things I needed stopped working

It is time to start using a single phone, and the apps I need are on
Android. I am looking to buy a new Android phone...something better then
the Motto G...something better designed, more modern, and will work well
with Win 10. I am not goint to get a contract and I don't need the
latest greatest.  I don't use any social media. I am never going to hack
the bios or do anything esoteric with my phone. My primary goal is
simplicity or use, and  productivity without frustration. I don't know
if there is any big differences outside of physical appearance between
Android manufacturers but I want one that is easy to use, and doesn't
catch on fire. Any suggestions or advice appreciated.

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