Anyone else have a Legacy  G Suite account they were being spoiled with the
"We'll never charge you for this as long as it's a service" that is now
being forced to upgrade to a pay service?

I'm going through trying to decide what my best option is for migration
away for email and calendar. (Everything else I use will continue to work
on the new free subscription service level).


   - Microsoft 365 Family (Doesn't allow alternate email addresses -- would
   lose some of my alternate emails I signed up for things on) ($100/year for
   family plan)
   - Google Account & a VPS which forwards email for my domain to it ($5/mo
   or so and I would need to manage it)
   - Just pay for what I use currently ($30/mo worth of email accounts
   - Just run a server at home (no static IP -- pretty much a non-starter

Ugh, no amazing options.  Maybe more options will show themselves soon.

Christopher Fisk

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