Log from iPaq h3870 attached:

===== HaRET 0.4.7 =====
Setting KMode to true.
Old KMode was 1
Finished initializing output
Trying to load library 'gx'
Function '?GXOpenDisplay@@YAHPAUHWND__@@[EMAIL PROTECTED]' in library 'gx' at 
Trying to load library 'gx'
Function '?GXCloseDisplay@@YAHXZ' in library 'gx' at 00A914C8
Trying to load library 'gx'
Function '?GXBeginDraw@@YAPAXXZ' in library 'gx' at 00A91568
Trying to load library 'gx'
Function '?GXEndDraw@@YAHXZ' in library 'gx' at 00A91680
Trying to load library 'coredll'
Function 'LoadLibraryExW' in library 'coredll' at 01F9AC14
Trying to load library 'coredll'
Function 'GetSystemPowerStatusEx2' in library 'coredll' at 01FA0858
Trying to load library 'coredll'
Unable to find function 'SleepTillTick' in library 'coredll'
Trying to load library 'coredll'
Unable to find function 'AllocPhysMem' in library 'coredll'
Trying to load library 'coredll'
Unable to find function 'FreePhysMem' in library 'coredll'
Trying to load library 'toolhelp'
Function 'CreateToolhelp32Snapshot' in library 'toolhelp' at 01F61024
Trying to load library 'toolhelp'
Function 'Process32First' in library 'toolhelp' at 01F610E4
Trying to load library 'toolhelp'
Function 'Process32Next' in library 'toolhelp' at 01F61134
Trying to load library 'toolhelp'
Function 'Module32First' in library 'toolhelp' at 01F61274
Trying to load library 'toolhelp'
Function 'Module32Next' in library 'toolhelp' at 01F612CC
Trying to load library 'toolhelp'
Function 'CloseToolhelp32Snapshot' in library 'toolhelp' at 01F61028
Detecting memory
WinCE reports memory size 67108864 (phys=33071104 store=33062912)
Detecting current machine
Trying to detect machine (Plat='PocketPC' OEM='Compaq iPAQ H3800')
Looking at machine Generic Intel PXA27x
Looking at machine Generic Intel PXA
Looking at machine Alpine
Looking at machine HTC Apache
Looking at machine AximX50/51
Looking at machine Beetles
Looking at machine Blueangel
Looking at machine Himalaya
Looking at machine Magician
Looking at machine HTC Universal
Looking at machine H1910
Looking at machine H1940
Looking at machine H2200
Looking at machine H3900
Looking at machine H4000
Looking at machine H5000
Looking at machine HX2000
Looking at machine HX4700
Looking at machine Sable
Looking at machine Jornada820
Looking at machine HTC Wizard
Looking at machine HTC Hermes
Looking at machine G500
Looking at machine HTC Artemis
Looking at machine RX3000
Looking at arch Generic Intel PXA27x
Looking at arch Generic Intel PXA
Initializing for machine 'Default'
Testing for command IGPIO
Not registering command IGPIO
Testing for command WG|PIO
Not registering command WG|PIO
Testing for command GPLR
Not registering command GPLR
Testing for command GPDR
Not registering command GPDR
Testing for command GAFR
Not registering command GAFR
Testing for command GPIO
Not registering command GPIO
Testing for command GPIOST
Not registering command GPIOST
Testing for command LOADLIBRARYEX
Registering command LOADLIBRARYEX
Testing for command II
Not registering command II
Testing for command IRQGPIO
Not registering command IRQGPIO
Testing for command TRACEIGNORE
Not registering command TRACEIGNORE
Testing for command TRACEFORWATCH
Not registering command TRACEFORWATCH
Testing for command ADDIRQWATCH
Not registering command ADDIRQWATCH
Testing for command CLEARIRQWATCH
Not registering command CLEARIRQWATCH
Testing for command LSIRQWATCH
Not registering command LSIRQWATCH
Testing for command ADDTRACEWATCH
Not registering command ADDTRACEWATCH
Testing for command CLEARTRACEWATCH
Not registering command CLEARTRACEWATCH
Testing for command LSTRACEWATCH
Not registering command LSTRACEWATCH
Testing for command TRACE
Not registering command TRACE
Testing for command TRACEMASK
Not registering command TRACEMASK
Testing for command TRACE2
Not registering command TRACE2
Testing for command TRACETYPE
Not registering command TRACETYPE
Testing for command TRACE2TYPE
Not registering command TRACE2TYPE
Testing for command INSN
Not registering command INSN
Testing for command INSNREENABLE
Not registering command INSNREENABLE
Testing for command INSNREG1
Not registering command INSNREG1
Testing for command INSNREG2
Not registering command INSNREG2
Testing for command INSN2
Not registering command INSN2
Testing for command INSN2REENABLE
Not registering command INSN2REENABLE
Testing for command INSN2REG1
Not registering command INSN2REG1
Testing for command INSN2REG2
Not registering command INSN2REG2
Testing for command WI|RQ
Not registering command WI|RQ
Testing for command KILL
Registering command KILL
Testing for command PS
Registering command PS
Testing for command LSMOD
Registering command LSMOD
Testing for command AC97
Not registering command AC97
Welcome, this is HaRET 0.4.7 running on WindowsCE v3.0
Minimal virtual address: 00010000, maximal virtual address: 7FFFFFFF
Detected machine 'Default' (Plat='PocketPC' OEM='Compaq iPAQ H3800')
CPU is Intel ARM arch 4 revision 4 product 17 stepping 9 running in system mode
Enter 'HELP' for a short command summary.

Running WSAStartup
Starting gui
In initdialog
Found machine Default
executing startup.txt
Welcome to Handheld Reverse Engineering Tool!
Some basic info about your PDA:
MMU L1 descriptor table address is c00c0000
Video RAM address is c002227e
Current Process ID is 17
CPU identification register (p15 r0) is 6901b119
Shutting down
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