Dear Mas Edo,

ooopss.. mohon maaf sekaligus terima kasih pencerahannya mas. Kayaknya juga 
bagian2 lain musti dibaca ulang dengan teliti. Wah, tadinya saya pikir New 
Age itu cuman ada satu gerakan hehehe.. katrok tenan... dan I think dibilang 
New Age itu hanya pemberian nama saja dari western, sementara di timur, 
praktik spiritualism sudah dilakukan bahkan sebelum diberi label 'agama ini 
agama itu', well, anyway, saya coba terjemahkan koreksi mas Edo ya..


HU isn't a part of any religion nor a new religion. HU is a Spiritual 
Community, Spiritual Movement that could be categorized as a part of New Age 
Movements. As a movement, HU distincts in nature, form, or characteristics 
from many New Age Movements. It has no organization, no leader, or rules 
even dogma. HU is a group of people seeking divinity in a way other than any 
formal religion's practices. That brings HU spread all over the world. Maybe 
it is a good time to know the description of New Age Movement:

"New Age Movement, broad-based amalgam of diverse spiritual, social, and 
political elements with the common aim of transforming individuals and 
society through spiritual awareness. Comprising individuals, activist 
groups, businesses, professional groups, and spiritual leaders and 
followers, the movement brought feminist, ecological, spiritual, and 
human-potential concerns into the mainstream in the 1980s and 1990s, 
creating a large market in the United States and other countries for books, 
magazines, audio- and videotapes, workshops, retreats, and expositions on 
the subject, as well as for natural foods, crystals, and meditation and 
healing aids.

Often seen as resurgent paganism or Gnosticism, the modern movement has more 
recent roots in 19th-century spiritualism and in the 1960s counterculture, 
which rejected materialism in favor of Eastern mysticism and preferred 
direct spiritual experience to organized religion. Techniques for 
self-improvement and the idea that the individual is responsible for and 
capable of everything from self-healing to creating the world, have found 
applications in health care and counseling as well as in sports, the armed 
forces, and corporations and have provoked debate in religious and other 

Holistic thinking has influenced attitudes about medicine, the environment, 
the family, work, regional planning, and world peace, among others. Ideas 
frequently associated with the New Age movement include anthroposophical 
teachings, inner transformation, reincarnation, extraterrestrial life, 
biofeedback, chanting, alchemy, yoga, transpersonal psychology, shamanism, 
martial arts, the occult, astrology, psychic healing, extrasensory 
perception, divination, astral travel, acupuncture, massage, tarot, Zen, 
mythology, and visualization. (source: MSN Encarta Encyclopedia)

One of the differences from some of New Age Movements, HU is not rejecting 
any religion. Still, HU bears mutual respect in religion's teaching. In 
religion, you may find spiritualism and a religion could be a good source 
for spiritualism. But spiritualism itself is broader and wider than 
religions. Spiritualism is a human longing for God, the universal need of 
God, which still may stay dormant in the every heart of human.


salam harmonis,

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "si Brewok" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Harmonisasi Universal" <>
Sent: Saturday, October 11, 2008 12:27 PM
Subject: [HU] Re: View this page "HU FAQs"

mas Gun, setelah aku baca ternyata ada satu yg agak mengganggu: ini yg
sampeyan terjemahkan:

"HU is a spiritual community, but not a part of any religion or
including New Age blabla.. "

komentar: HU memang bukan bagian dari agama namun dia adalah bagian
dari New Age Movement, movement itu sendiri bukan sebuah movement yg
terorganize, yg punya leaders, yg ada AD/ART-nya, dan punya aturan
baku serta dogma yg harus diikuti... tapi lebih pada sebuah pergerakan
spiritualisme (di western world) yg mencari ketuhanan / divinity di
luar tubuh agama2 formal dan akhirnya pergerakan ini melebarkan
sayapnya ke seluruh dunia. Kerinduan menemukan jati diri manusia dan
kemanusiaan ini yg membuat banyak yg menjadi seekers di dunia barat
sono ^_^

FYI: Satanism juga bagian dari New age movement, dan ini yg membuat
kalangan Church punya stigma negatif pada gerakan tsb.

sampeyan juga menerjemahkan:

"Different from New Age Movement, HU is not rejecting any religion.
Still, HU
bears mutual respect in religion's teaching"

komentar: New age movement sendiri amat beragam, dari yg paling
tolerance sampe yg paling ekstrim. ada yg masih menerima dan respect
pada agama2, tapi ada juga yg menolak agama2 tsb mentah.-mentah. Jadi
mungkin lebih tepat diterjemahkan kalu HU sebagai bagian dari New Age
movement mengambil posisi respect pada ajaran2 agama besar tsb.

Good Translation!

On Oct 11, 11:39 am, si Brewok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ++ Wow bagus sekali mas Guntur, akan segera saya forwardkan dalam
> bentuk file PDF ke milis HU int'l dan di bagian International Pillar
> akan saya tambahkan nama2 moderator milis yang bule2 itu :D atau
> mungkin mas Guntur tertarik jadi jubir international kita selain mas
> Rustan tentunya?
> L.O.V.E
> On Oct 10, 3:38 pm, "A. Guntur Dwiyatmoko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dear HUers,
> > Mas Edo, FAQ nya bagus, ini saya coba iseng bikin terjemahan inggrisnya 
> > buat
> > HU internasional, masih butuh koreksi sana sini deh kayaknya...semoga
> > bermanfaat
> > salam harmonis,

** In this age of Aquarius, science will become religious, and religion will 
become scientific. Disagreements between science and religion will come to an 
end, and people will begin to comprehend that both spirit and matter are 
derived from the same source, and are only modifications of the One Universal 
Energy **

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