Mas Christ,
Yang HU internasional sdh saya ubah tuh isinya sesuai dg yang mas Christ

Terima kasih mas



> Mantap....gsok terus biar mak nyusss,,saya rasa ini hanya sekala tehnis
> saja..dan semua pasti memiliki tujuan yang baik..
> HU dengan bahsa indonesiapun yang perlu dikaji sudah sejauh apa kita bisa
> kemas dan dimanfaatkan untuk ajang diskusi terkait kedewasaan spiritual
> minimal ke dalam milis nasional,..Klopun komunikasi dgn pihak luar
> ,,,kedalam dulu bagaimana selarasnya ,,,komuniaksi nya ...
> Namun tetep secara nasional jgn dilupakan,...meski berjalan beriringan
> ,semua sekedar tehnis semua tergantung cara membawa HU ini saja,,..mau
> dibawa kemana arah spiritual pribadi terkait HU...
> Salam Sejati
> 2008/10/22 Christ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Berikut adalah versi Intro HU yang telah lebih disempurnakan kalimatnya,
>> semoga bermanfaat bagi perkembangan HU.
>> Love and Harmony in Light,
>> /christ
>> ~ Be thankful for what you have, not sad about what you don't have ~
>> -----
>> Harmonization-Universal
>> Harmonization Universal (HU) is found and chanelled by *Gerald Ginting*,
>> *Indonesia*.
>> This is a group of Lightworkers that supervised directly by *Archangel
>> Metatron*, *Archangel Michael* and *Archangel Melchizedek*.
>> *Harmonization-Universal (HU) is the spiritual bridge and key to all
>> divine energies*, you can access any known divine energies (ie.
>> Unconditional Love, Violet Flame, Wings of Lights, Reiki etc.), the energy
>> will flow through Web Of Light. After the attunement you become a *
>> lightworker,** *you will be able to heal your self, others and Gaia. In
>> time your body will transform to be harmonious with the whole universe, and
>> HU will help you to improve your spiritual level by connecting you with the
>> higher self.
>> In HU we all are connected to each other by *Web of Light* and through
>> the Web of Light we support and help to develop each other (consious or
>> unconsciously). The Web of Light was also a great tools to spread new
>> energy, sending distance attunement and distance healing easily, this
>> include any known divine energy we mention above.
>> As the lightworker we are committed to spread, widen, and strengthen the
>> Web of Light, which protect our Mother Earth. The fact is that Earth (Gaia)
>> is transforming to the higher level of dimension. As the children of Earth
>> (Gaia), we commit to help and heal the earth while harmonizing ourselves.
>> *The attunement is free*, we don't charge you anything for this powerful
>> attunement and *please keep it that way*. However we do ask you to share
>> any spiritual experience with the attunement and or healing within the
>> groups : [EMAIL PROTECTED] (*English*) or
>> (*Bahasa Indonesia*). Please join
>> to the either group with the most preferred langguage for discussion and
>> share the experiences.
>> Those are joined to this group are planetary healer and connected to the
>> Angelic and Divine Realm. We all (with angels and divine beings) work
>> together to make harmony in every aspect in our lives, Gaia and Universe.
>> *Namaste - Shalom - Om Sai Ram - Namo Buddhaya - Wassalammualaikum Wr.
>> Wb. - Adonai*
>> *Love and Light!*
> >

** In this age of Aquarius, science will become religious, and religion will 
become scientific. Disagreements between science and religion will come to an 
end, and people will begin to comprehend that both spirit and matter are 
derived from the same source, and are only modifications of the One Universal 
Energy **

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