Hi Anne, glad to meet you.  and thank you for your introduction.
I can answer on one question and it is that I'm from Belgium, living in 
Oostende, married with also a husband who has been borned in Congo 
(Stanleyville).  If you want to mail in dutch or french no problem to me.
Martine :-)

--- On Tue, 8/11/09, annelabhele <anne_de_mees...@yahoo.fr> wrote:

From: annelabhele <anne_de_mees...@yahoo.fr>
Subject: [harmonization-universal] Introducing myself and Gold Reiki 1
To: harmonization-universal@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, August 11, 2009, 3:37 AM


Good morning… to all of you ! 
I'm so very happy to have found you… 
The "Harmonization Universal group", everyone and everything whom/which come 
with it !!! 
I've registrated (?) as soon as I received Christanto mail in answer to one I 
send him. 
Please let me introduce myself…
My name is Anne De Meester… "Anne-Labhele" 
"Labhele is the name of my Soul… the pronunciation is "Libelle"
I was born on " March the 31st 1953 "… in BOMA… Republic of Congo 
(ex - Belgian Congo)
Separated (but in very good terms) from my husband "Yves"… we have 3 children… 
2 daughters (30/28) and 1 son (27)... 9 grand children from 11 years old to 1…
I'm French speaking but as we have been living about 10 years in England… I use 
to be very fluent in English… That was more than 15 years ago and I forgot a 
lot of my English which explain my English and spelling mistakes.
The good thing is that it seem to come back quite quickly… and I have an 
English dictionary on this computer !!! 
I had the Reiki 1 & 2 harmonisation (?)  and receive from "Monique Lapointe" 
the "Divine Connection".
Here, please, find her website (with a choice of languages) 
http://www.moniquel apointe.com/ 
The seminar was quite expensive… 280,00€ ( about 5 years ago)  
but it is 315,00€ now
(I do recognise that she has lots of expenses in coming over to Europe from 
Unhappily I'll not be able to give attunement of it… as Monique is the only one 
hoe does. 
I engage myself that I'll not do so (As every body doing those seminar)
I'm a lightworker and a medium… I am in connection with my soul and a lot of 
different "Ascenssioned Masters" whom I canalize.
The message I do channelled are always speaking about Love for that my mission 
is to spread Love… they're never technical (well… for the moment)
My guides are :
 Zaphra (my twin soul)… Sananda… St Germain… Khutumi… 
Rana Mu (Queen of Telos)…  Babaji … Sashan…  
Marc (my twin brother... whom I don't know)… 
Fairbridge Bird (my great uncle whom I never met).
I live in Belgium… but shall soon move to the South of France.
It was at first a strong feeling… I just wanted to go there.
But since October 2008, my soul "Labhele"… and my guides have asked me to do 
it… So I'm moving in between the end of September and November… 
I don't know where yet… what I'm going to do there… from what I'm going to live 
What I know is… They want me to be free… not working in a "normal" way… and 
THAT... I want to be at the right place at the right moment... and it will be !
We are a few lightworker from Belgium and Paris (6 to 10… maybe more) whom have 
the same wish or appeal…. and we know each other so we are looking for a big 
house to share ! 
It is ask to all lightworker (+ family) to get together (if it is possible) to 
form what it is called some "îlots de lumière"… meaning…  "Small islands of 
They will be more and more of such 
I've canalized a message from Sananda in that way… asking us to move together, 
to start, for an afternoon, a day, a week… and telling us why doing so!
I'll try to translate it in way of keeping the right sense/meaning of it
and shall mail it to you.
Now that you know a little bit more about me,
I have some questions to ask you 
1) Is there somewhere on this site… a list of members (as it is, often, on lots 
of spiritual groups or sites)… for us to get in touch and share experiences, 
friendship and love ?
Is there some members in France, Belgium ?
Is there some Pillar of light in French countries ?
2) I mist the "Gold Reiki 1… on the 8th.
Is it possible to get before the 15th… where Reiki 2 attunement will be offer?
If it is possible how can I register on the database (I don't understand how it 
works) for... 
- Gold Reiki 2 on 15.08
- Gold Reiki 3 on 22.08
- Harmonization Universal attunement on 24.08
I'm would like to get Shamballa MDH 1 à 4
and as much as possible methods of healing... to help as much as possible 
starting by me... of course as it is the way it should be !
3) I read somewhere on the site… a very big list of possibilities for the 
lightworkers… as connections with the energies of Ascenssioned Masters, 
Archangels … etc.  
It was explaining what is a lightworker… and lots of things about it… all the 
Attunements (?) they can have.
But I look at so many things that I can't fine it any more... Can you help me 
on this ?
4) I have highlighted some sentences and word in those lines… 
Can you explain it to me ?
Harmonization- Universal 
Harmonization Universal (HU) is found and channelled by Gerald Ginting, 
This is a group of Lightworkers that supervised directly by Archangel Metatron, 
Archangel Michael and Melchizedek.
Harmonization Universal (HU) is the spiritual bridge and key to all divine 
energies, you can access any known divine energies (ie. Unconditional Love, 
Violet Flame, Wings of Lights, Reiki etc.), the energy will flow through Web Of 
Light. After the attunement you become a lightworker, you will be able to heal 
your self, others and Gaia. In time your body will transform to be harmonious 
with the whole universe, and HU will help you to improve your spiritual level 
by connecting you with the higher self.
In HU we all are connected to each other by Web of Light and through the Web of 
Light we support and help to develop each other (conscious or unconsciously) . 
The Web of Light was also a great tools to spread new energy, sending distance 
attunement and distance healing easily, this include any known divine energy we 
mention above.
As the lightworker we are committed to spread, widen, and strengthen the Web of 
Light, which protect our Mother Earth. The fact is that Earth (Gaia) is 
transforming to the higher level of dimension. As the children of Earth (Gaia), 
we commit to help and heal the earth while harmonizing ourselves.
The attunement is free, we don't charge you anything for this powerful 
attunement and please keep it that way. However we do ask you to share any 
spiritual experience with the attunement and or healing within the groups : 
harmonization- universal@ yahoogroups. com
àWhat mean exactly (with easy words please) attunement… Is there a difference 
with atonement? (my English dictionary refuse attunement and underline it in 
That's enough for now…
I thank you very much for your answer… 
I spread over you… your loved one and anyone reading this message… my Love 
I create a "Bridge of Love", a "Bridge of Light"… from my heart to yours (and 
to anyone reading this)… by sending you a Ray of my heart's light…a ray of my 
Love into your heart.
You can visualise a laser (or lazer ?) ray coming strait into your heart… the 
colour of it is a blend of "pink/orangey with gold reflect".
I bless you all… 
With Joy and Peace,
P.S. As I'm going to answer to Chritanto mail, he'll receive a copy of this 


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