Good morning Blane, 
I tried it last evening but couldn't sit quiet and concentrated enough so I did 
it again this morning.
It is really some strange "thing" So let me sum up what I all felt.  When 
meditating I saw only a dark purple the rest where all bodysensations.  The 
energy went everywhere and started first at the backside of the hips.  Next was 
the head what gave some kind of very short dizzyness, then numb arms also very 
short time.  Needed to cough and got bit shortness of breathing, nose tingled 
and got pressure at the bladder.  Once again running around it continued all in 
the body.  Tinglings at the back of the shoulders, having innerly cold, being 
thursty, more toiletvisits even without having drank a lot.  What is still busy 
now after more then an hour is that my body feels like if I had done sport.  
Some kind of muscletension in the body, have that also when I have played 
volley very energetic.  Now it is without having done sport.  Also warm hands 
and feet.
That's it for the moment.  Thank for sharing this :D
Martine :-)

--- On Sat, 10/10/09, <> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: [harmonization-universal] Addendum: to Ma Tei Yah Reiki /////Blane/ 
follow up mediataion file attached [1 Attachment]
Date: Saturday, October 10, 2009, 9:35 AM


[Attachment(s) from included below] 

New Hampshire Trip/ May of 2006 This was written to my yahoo group last yr 
before I opened Barking Dog Tattooz , and was , at the time seriously 
considering not tattooing anymore after being in the business for almost 30 yrs 
and devoting my life to further studies and practices of energetic healing and 
the mystical and magickal arts full time , but decided that continuing my 
career in tattooing and opening the kind of shop I always wanted would be a 
benefit to the community and further be the financial vehicle to launch 
continued studies and work in the fields of Ascension and Spirituality ......So 
here’s the story .....

Lydia and I just returned home from spending a week up in Nashua , New 
Hampshire, visiting with her employer Ross and his wife Amethyst . Up there 
they own a business called "Amethyst Wyldfire" A Sanctuary For Awakening To The 
Sacred . Its a New Age shop, Art Gallery , and Center for Metaphysical and 
Spiritual development . Lydia was there to begin "The Medicine Wheel", a two yr 
process to learn a Incan/Peruvian Shamanic Path . I used the time as a retreat 
to go within and ask Source what I was supposed to be doing with what I know 
and have been gifted with down through the yrs and of late , The Quan Yin 
energies being among these treasures . Ultimately what happened for me was that 
I was given the word "Ma Tei Yah" ( meaning - energy follows thought / also A 
derivation of the name of the Buddha ( or planetary Christ ) of this unfolding 
new age , "Maitreya") . I went into deep meditation and invoked the Ascended 
Masters and presidency of powers and
 angelic realms for confirmation and direction as to what to do next. This Ma 
Tei Yah , it was revealed to me was a gift, Blessing, Alignment , Initiation , 
Activation, and Empowerment from Maitreya, Enoch, Metatron , Melchizedek, the 
Mahatma , Arch Angels, Michael , Zadkiel , Sandalphon, as well as Quan Yin and 
the Pleiadians and others .The confirmation was given to me by way of an 
extraordinary energy induction which shook me to the core of my being . That 
night I gave the first attunement to "Ma Tei Yah Reiki" to a friend of theirs 
also involved in Shamanic work named Dan . The attunement was amazing . The 
next morning Spirit instructed me to call a woman Ive been working with in 
Canada for a couple of yrs helping her to overcome seizures . I transmitted 
remotely over the phone to her a Ma Tei Yah healing Empowerment . It only 
lasted about 15 minutes because it was so powerful that Spirit audibly told me 
to back off . I shook for a couple of hours
 afterwards , had to go outside and dig in the earth and move rocks around to 
get grounded and anchor the energies .

Next day , Lydia and I are on the plane on our way home , we had to change 
flights in Newark , New Jersey . The plane was late getting in and we missed 
our connecting flight to Memphis , plus we couldn't seem to get any 
co-operation from anyone to rush us through to our flight before it took off 
even though we were being paged , nobody would call , nothing, and they were 
mega-rude about it all . We were fit to be tied . Continental said Northwest 
was responsible for us and visa -versa hummina hummina uggg. So after we talked 
to half a dozen different people about our situation and what could be done 
about it ,we kept getting directed farther and farther away from where it 
seemed that something really could have been done about it . We found ourselves 
finally in a luggage receiving area at a desk that said group something or 
other ( I think its where they send people when nobody wants to really talk to 
you any more ) . Oh, and in the process of all this
 rushing around on air trains back and forth and not really knowing what the 
hell we were doing , Lydia and I started bickering at one another ( unpleasant 
business for just a minute there ) , and so here we are finally at the end of 
line , and this new woman we are talking to seems to actually care about our 
situation and proceeds to do her bst to find a remedy .
Now me , I yank over one of those luggage carts , like a grocery buggy without 
the sides kind of affair , ya know . I offer it to Lydia to sit on and she says 
no. So I sprawl out on the thing , looking around at everybody , upset that 
Lydia and I had been angry at each other and all , and generally irked at the 
whole deal going on there. So I’m staring at the ceiling and it finally dawns 
on me , " okay, Blane , this is going on for some reason , and it probably 
don't have anything to do with you , we were held up for a reason , and when 
stuff like this happens its usually because we're supposed to interact with 
someone that we can be of service to in some kind of way ( that's been my 
experience anyhow ) . So I ask Spirit , "okay, what's the deal?" Is there 
something for me or Lydia to do here , someone that is willing to receive Light 
, healing , needs comfort, how can I be of service for the Highest Good in any 
capacity whatever , please show me ?
 What !?" So I became willing . I didnt have to wait long . A black woman who 
was checking luggage for people happen to walk out from behind the counter for 
just a minute and out of the corner of my eye I noticed she limped for a second 
and back around the counter she went . Either I'm delusional ( which is always 
an option ) or someone said audibly in my ear , " There ! Go talk to her ! " , 
I said , wow ,what am I supposed to say ? " Go !" ( pushy folks those Angelic's 
sometimes ) . So I got up and went over and leaned in where you weigh the bags 
and such ,and I said to her , " Excuse Ma'am , this may sound a bit goofy or 
kooky , but I'm a spiritual healer and angels just told me to come over here 
and ask you if there was something wrong with your leg ,or going on in your 
life that is causing you pain ( I got this info right before I leaned in to 
talk to her ) . And she looks around and kind of grins , nervous like , but 
says , " well , there’s a bone
 fractured in my foot here". So I tell her that if she has a minute I can lay 
my hands on it and that the process of healing could be accelerated and the 
pain be taken away or that it could completely heal right then and there , I 
didn't know , the result wasn't up to me , I was just doing what I was told to 
do . She says , " okay, what do I have to do ?’ T I tell her to come around the 
counter by the wall there and I'll kneel down and place my hands around the 
area and such and energy will come through me and work on her . So as soon as I 
put my hands down by her feet , I get a rush of energy , I start chanting " Ma 
Tei Yah - AGLA- Amma - Yeshua- Om , and repeating that over and over , and 
everything goes kind of blue/white for me and I feel these two presences 
manifesting inside and around my body . It gets so strong Im shaking , one of 
the presences I know is an Angel the other I just felt Love ....It goes like 
that for a bit and these two beings
 were inside me coming directly through my body and rising upward in front and 
around her and myself,and the word Mama came to me . I was led to stop finally 
and I was just reeling with the energies . I stood up and looked at her and she 
had her hands in the air, smiling and crying ,and saying ooh ooh ooh , and then 
she says "My Mama was right where you were standing , she came right out of you 
, and told me she loved and missed me , she just died a few days ago and I 
missed her so terribly ,but I know she is okay ". And I told her there was an 
Angel also with her mother that came thru with her , that was helping her 
resolve her stuff so she could move on and that it was all okay now . She said 
she couldn't feel anything now but love all around her......And that was that , 
then all these people showed up to check their bags and stuff , Lydia and the 
woman on the computer had straightened things out , even though we would have 
to spend the night in Jersey
 , and we took off outside . I was shook up like Elvis Presley , I just started 
crying uncontrollably because something had touched me to the core of my being 
like I'd never experienced before ( And I've experienced plenty ---trust me ) . 
This was such a beautiful thing , and of course it became real clear why we had 
missed our flight to Memphis . Plus I had further confirmation that I was on 
the right track with Ma Tei Yah Reiki ( which as I said earlier , Quan Yin 
figures into quite nicely ) .So , now I have decided to teach Ma Tei Yah Reiki 
as more is revealed to me. ...........

October 3rd 2009...And what now follows is what has been revealed to me thus 
far in the presentation, evocation/invocatio n, and transmission of this 
sysytem to you:

Dear , Friends, and Family of Light . Follow these instructions , and above all 
be willing to change and grow. I hope that what is transmitted to you now will 
be the key needed for you to begin to experience in a new way enough clarity 
and power to effect the changes necessary in your lives that you may have true 
freedom from any and all programs and conditionings of anti-consciousness or 
unconsciousness and limitation of any kind. This script has embedded within it 
an Initiation, Attunement and Activation energies to Ma Tei Yah Reiki ,( 
pronounced:" Ma - Tay - Yaw - Ray-Key " ) that will come full-term and ready 
for delivery the moment you lay eyes on this invocation and deliberately intend 
to receive the Initiation, Activation, Healing and Empowerment. This may quite 
possibly be the most powerful energy transmission you have ever received. Many 
have reported this to be so for them. Allow yourself to surrender to the idea 
that Infinite Core Life-Force
 of the Universe is pouring thru the top of your head and down thru your body a 
Cool/Heat Rejuvenating and Empowering invisible Liquid Golden Light-like 
Healing and Transforming Energy or Morphic Resonance that will fill every 
molecule, cell and atom of your being and encoding into your DNA a new program 
of Infinite Beingness, pushing out all mis-qualified thought forms, energies, 
substances, anything that is not in alignment for your Highest Good and Best 
Interest ,Physically ,Emotionally , Mentally , and Spiritually . Its really 
that simple . Make sure you wont be disturbed or distracted for at least a half 
hour . Maybe put on some soothing music in the background . And just sit back 
and receive , being very conscious of all sensory and physiological changes and 
phenomena that are taking place in your system. Many people report experiencing 
intense tingling in their hands , feet and the top of their head , as well as a 
sensation of peacefully strong
 expansion around all chakras , especially in the heart area resulting in the 
sense of Divine merger, having one unified field chakra connected to all that 
Is. When you've finished , be sure to ground yourself properly. More concise 
instructions on that will follow.

Be advised : That after this process ,( which you may find to be quite Powerful 
) you Will experience some clearing and adjustment to the energies . This may 
take the form of tremendous over-all ecstatic elation, with some mild emotional 
nausea , some mild flu-like symptoms like runny nose or very slight fever , 
some diarrhea. But as a result of the energies that will *NOW* be working in 
your body and entire physical,energetic, and light-body system, you may only 
take mental notice of these clearing phenomena because it is very small, but 
you will be flooded with *A Peace That Knows No Opposite*, and the clearings 
and processing will pass quickly . And as a result of this cathartic process 
you will be operating at a much Higher Spiritual Frequency of Energy and Life 
Force..Drink a lot of water, say 6 or 8 ,8oz glasses a day for 21 days. Also 
remember to ground yourself . Simply imagine roots growing form your feet deep 
down into the heart , core and
 center of Mother Earth and ask that you and the energies you receive be 
grounded and anchored there for as long as they need to be and then spread out 
to all water grids and aspects of sentience throughout the planet . Do this 
after the following energy induction . Thank you ....


Okay, here we go ....Dear. ...YOUR NAME... ...It will be required for you to 
recite the following out loud or in your head with purpose : " *I , ...YOUR 
NAME..., NOW * receive , in Love and Light , by the Power and Authority of The 
One Undifferentiated Creator Source in Spirit, Atum, N'Aton , Mother/Father God 
, and the Ascended Masters and Beings of Divine Light ;

Gaia & Adonai -

Uma & Brahmin -

Yosodhara & Buddha -

Radharani & Krishna -

Kali & Shiva -

Magdalena & Yeshua-

Quan Yin & Avaloketeshvara -

Isis & Osiris -

Nuit & Horus -

Sekmet & Thoth -

Vesta & Helios-

Diana & Pan -

Miatreya - El Morya - Enoch - Averran - Melchizedek - The Mahatma - Vywamus - 
Lenduce- Lord Kuthumi- Sanat Kumara - The Great White Brotherhood - The Great 
White Sisterhood - Melchoir of the Galactic Core - Metatron - The Divine Cosmic 
Oversoul - Milarepa - Serapis Bey - Sathya Sai Baba - Lady Nada - Lady Leda - 
Arch Angel Michael - Arch Angel Zadkiel - Arch Angel Sandalphon - Arcturus and 
the Arcturians - and The Pleiadians - " I NOWreceive Highest Divine Ma Tei Yah 
Reiki : Empowerment ,Healing, Infusion , Alignment , Activation, and initiation 
,and Attunement to the 999th Power, Degree, Level , and Dimension , Enochian 
Light Frequency X Infinity , for my entire Earth, Heart, Brain & Cellsystem , 
for my Highest Divine Good and Best Interest and evolution, as a glad free gift 
of Spirit , As a glad free gift of Divine Love and Will ...So Mote It Be 
.Surrender and be Free ...... Amen Selah ....Thank you ..Thank you ..Thank you

.Now chant: " Om- Ma Tei Yah- Om- Ateh, Gibor, Leolam, Gaiadon -Amma- Yeshua- 
Om- I AM That I AM, I Am That I AM, I Am That I AM, So Hum, Selah, So Mote It 
Be, and So It Is. Repeat this in comfortable tones for your voice and throat in 
melodic fashion as many times as it takes until you feel your whole body filled 
with energy and light , then adopt a meditative state for as long as seems 
comfortable and appropriate for you ...Thank the Universe, Mother/Father God , 
Deities or Divinity of your own understanding ............ ......... .


Sit back and enjoy the sense of Wellbeing, Power and Love that you deserve and 
that the Godhead wants for you every day of your life ...____Please give 
feedback ...This is very important for my research and own personal 
growth...... ....Thank you very much.....

NOW STOP: give yourself an hour at least to digest what has just ocurred. Be 
aware of what is going on inside and around your body and being. Then when 
you've finished read the rest here. Thank you, and bless you..

.........Love and Light ......Blane

NOTE : The word or term " Gaiadon" is used once in this invocation. I use it in 
respect of the Gaiadon Heart Aumkabah Keys of Ascension system, founded by 
Saranya Zaveri and of which system and organization I am a facilitator, member 
and student. The new power that has been breathed into my Ma Tei Yah Reiki is 
as a direct result of my initiations through the Gaiadon Heart system over the 
last year, although in and of itself it was a formidable tool for accelerated 
clearing, spiritual growth and consciousness expansion. But Ma Tei Yah Reiki 
has no official connection or affiliation with that organization other than 
what I have described. Ma Tei Yah Reiki is not a energetic device or teaching 
of the Gaiadon heart system. It is what has been gifted to me through Spirit 
and changes and grows as I do.

For more information on the Gaiadon Heart system I encourage you to look here: 
http://gaiadonheart .com

____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ___

You all are such precious individuals, and look what we have created with an 
open heart and willingness to "Be" ! So now we are at another turning point, a 
pivotal place on the road of Infinite Consciousness, an ending of one Aeon and 
the beginning of another. Always and always another beginning, but never an end 
to what we are, only to form , which changes and changes, and Dear Ones this 
metamorphosis continues on a higher more expansive octave than we knew before. 
The music of the spheres comes through now with a brighter clarity if we just 
hear with the ears of our hearts, see with our eye which is single. As Liquid 
Crystal light cascades muti-directionally into our consciousness like 
waterfalls within an internal kaleidoscope at the center of our being. And 
there is yet A Peace That Knows No Opposite on the other shore, the one we 
already exist in if only we allow it. Gate gate, paragate, parasamgate bodhi 
svaha...So Hum.....Selah

____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __

The philosopher Herbert Spencer, wrote: " There is a principle which is a bar 
against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot 
fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance --- that principle is contempt 
prior to investigation. "
____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ___

Addendum: Also, I might add, that us human beings seem to have the propensity 
towards manufacturing enough misery for ourselves to the extent that ( ideally 
) we arrive at the place where it is no longer tolerable to live with, and then 
we are at the crossroads, or , you could say, the advent of superb possibility, 
the advent of Infinite Possibilities. Then we either choose the path of 
anti-consciousness and self destruction, or the way of Infinite Beingness and 
Love. My observation is that higher percentages of people are now beginning to 
choose Love and Light all the time. How does it get any better than that ? And, 
What else is possible ?
.....Love and Light ....Blane 

"Only those who will risk going too far 
can possibly find out how far one can go"
- T.S. Eliot

http://gaiadonheart .com
http://www.barkingd ogtattooz. com


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