Asking a silly question don't excist he, otherwise where would we be without 
asking questions 
About the handchakra's I only have two pics in my maps without explanation.  
For explanation I need to go lurk into my files but for the moment I don't have 
time.  Maybe late this evening.  Or if somebody does help meantime, that would 
be wonderfull too.
Hm for your second question, it seems you know more then me   Maybe somebody 
else can help you further with it also.  I'm interested then to learn mmore 
about that either.
So sorry if I didn't helped you a lot yet.  I'll only be back online late this 
Martine :-) 

--- On Tue, 11/24/09, rajaharahap <> wrote:

From: rajaharahap <>
Subject: [harmonization-universal] Re: question
Date: Tuesday, November 24, 2009, 1:15 PM


Finaly theres some one would more knowledge...

hi martine , before sorry for my asking tis .. if its a silly question,and is 
not exatly about symbol tough

would u mind sharing to me a detailed picture of hand chakra , and ist true 
that hand chakra are related too the seven mayor chakra or just the heart 

i still cant see it for my self , im still a newbie tough, well perhaps one 
time during OB ,it just like a flower surround me...

my second question are about chakra as well , 

well after i studied sahaja yoga , guru srimataji nirmala devi wrote that 
chakra have 3 side left ,centre and right..... while during my study at reiki 
padmajaya its said chakra are like rope , inside theres a knot that face 
forward and back at our body.....

beside their difference , i realized one thing that each of chakra must be 
cleans to get full opening .. it appears so 

well i only cleans with CKR, SHK and HSSN... but theres a rumor that there are 
a specified symbol that used to open the root of the chakra or opening the 

hmm with that symbol perhaps we can achieve a full lotus chakra much easier 

Please Martin can u help me out here... 

--- In harmonization- universal@ yahoogroups. com, Martine Bonte <mbmas...@.. 
.> wrote:
> Ask and we will try to help  
> Martine :-)
> --- On Tue, 11/24/09, rajaharahap <rajaharahap@ ...> wrote:
> From: rajaharahap <rajaharahap@ ...>
> Subject: [harmonization- universal] Re: question
> To: harmonization- universal@ yahoogroups. com
> Date: Tuesday, November 24, 2009, 12:16 PM
> i can't open ur file ani....
> i my self have alot to ask about symbol too tough
> --- In harmonization- universal@ yahoogroups. com, Anisoara <anisoara_c3@ 
> ...> wrote:
> >
> > Hi All,
> > 
> > I need to know if somewhere in a system there is a symbol who is looking ( 
> > more or less) like the attached design. Maybe somebody can help. 
> > 
> > Thank you,
> > Anisoara
> >


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