Good noon Minoo, 

Thank you from sending the practical part of Magic Reiki.  Here is my feedback.
The energy went first to my ears.    While staying there I saw a big spider 
laying on her back and crawling back onto her legs.  So already a 
"brr"-experience as spiders aren't my favorite animals at all.
Then it went to my stomack area where I saw two bisonsheads and lightnings 
around them.  I don't recall where the energy was when I saw the following 
animals as it also went to the heart.  But also those animals showed up during 
the attunement: first salamander, then frog and turtle.  They all went in 
north, north-east direction.  
I also got an image of north-africa where the zone of the Sahara was green.  
The attunement lasted about 40 minutes (longer then written in the manual :p )  
It felt heavy for me but once done I do feel me lighter yet.  I'll now search 
up what the meaning is of what I saw.   
Wishing you a nice day,
Martine :-)

The Magic Reiki practical level attunement has been sent to all registered in 
the database.
It was a pleasure sending it and I wish you wonders working with the energy .
Harmonic heart blessings!


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