On 6/20/06, Geir Magnusson Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I'd like to start assembling a high-level roadmap of the milestones we'd
l>ike to achieve in the next 12 months.

>I volunteer to track and organize, but this clearly is a community
>activity so lets start by just tossing out ideas.

>1) By ApcheCon EU - a combined snapshot that is a pure open source VM +
>classlib.  Issues - I assume we'll use DRLVM.

>7) Test coverage - should we think about targets for test coverage ?

It would be nice to merge requirements from 1) and 7) and identify a basic
distribution( classlib + VM ) along with some platform targets, and tests
for the same ...(as Mikhail says) a test suite of acceptance tests( for JIRA
submissions ), stress tests, performance tests, some automated round the
clock testing etc. Some of this probably has implications on the
infrastructure needed?



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